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Working with Bones stickiness?


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So I just got my Bones minis from my local store. I primed them a couple of days ago. When I took them in I noticed that the models while dry to the touch felt sticky. While I was painting one of them today, I noticed that the paint wasn't drying well and that my first coat had this stickiness to it.

Anyone know why this is? Or have a solution to avoid this in the future?

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while i have never needed to wash a games workshop plastic, I understand reaper uses a different plastic, so I would suggest you try washing the mini with a grease cutting soap. I use a toothbrush and dawn dishsoap. this works on old metals and resins so i cant imagine it wouldnt work on the bones plastics.

on resins i after I wash them, i try to let them sit covered in salt. the salt will pull any remaining moisture inside the resin out, so your paint wont sugger damage down the road.

if the primer seems like it is not drying, it could have been too thick of a coat, or perhaps some chemical on the models reacting with the paint binders or dryers.

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Yeah, so far it is touch and go with a few of my miniatures... well most of them. I have a few that have just come off the primer, which might get another coat.

A ghost mini is currently trying to dry with it's matted clear coat. Though I am not holding out hope. For some reason the weather doesn't want these miniatures to dry, thinking release agent after the comments.

If the clear coat helps cut down on the stickiness I might do it for all my miniatures I've painted so far. (All three). I'll be taking a toothbrush to the rest to see if I can get the primer and release agent to rub off.

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As decker_cky said, Reaper Bones don't need primer. In fact it is advised against.

Look here: http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48667-bones-frequently-asked-questions-unofficial/

Here's how I paint mine (post in Italian, but pictures speaks to everyone :))


One final note on the sealant. It seems it is unnecessary, but if you want to use one anyway, you should use a brush on sealant.

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