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Herrkuba's art :)


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Hello everyone again :) 
I know, that I wasn't here a long time ago. To many other projects to finish. Now, I really focus on the Infniti models, coz in my city it's the most popular skirmish now. So, I want show U my last project :) Full path to finish her on my blog ---> Rasspberry Imagination

Here you go :) How do you like it?


Best regards



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I'm not a fan of Infinity's minis (the aesthetics are not my cup of tea) but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate awesome brushwork, which is the case here. Everyhing's excellent here, choce of colors (red nicely makes the armor stand out more) and the smooth highlights are perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New client, new order... This time I need to finish whole new Dwarf Armie to WFB... I finished Dragon Slyer which IMO is the niceiest new Dwarf sculpture :P here you go some photos :) and I welcome you to my blog http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/ and my funpage https://www.facebook.com/raspberryi







How do u like him?


Best regards




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