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Herrkuba's art :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thx all for such kind words. Today I want to show u my last order from Kromlech (polish miniature manufacture). It's a new model, which was released today :) His name is 'Paulus von Phyrra, Imperial Preacher'. Whole post on my blog, translation will be soon :P http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/07/paulus-von-phyrra-imperial-preacher.html


Enjoy it :)



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Your painting is amazing :)

The Imperial Preacher is as good as your others

I keep meaning to have a proper look around your blog


Some pretty cool models from Kromlech (Seen some on Wayland Games website a while back)

Tempted to get some Soviet Goblins :)


Thanks for your tutorial on painting eyes

I could do it if the eyes were as big as your tutorial diagrams

But with being the size of about a pin head ... I have no idea how you do it to be honest

Stunning :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again. It was a long time I was here. My apologies. I have a lot of works that i want to show u but, not everything in one time :D However, today I present u my latest work. It was a speedPaint in aprox 6h :) Here u go Chaos Sorcerer Lord for WFB. Hope u like him.

Blog---> http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/09/chaos-sorcerer-lord.html

Also u can vote---> http://www.coolminiornot.com/365154





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At this moment I don't have time for my models. I have some huge orders for hole armies (WFB) and i cooperate with Kromlech (polish model company). I realy want to finsh my old Victorias and The Thunder warband but to many people want something frome me :D but in the other hand Im trying to struggle with the bigger scale as 54mm and higher, also with bust :) However thx for ur kind words zFiend :)


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Thx folks :) Next fast update. Yesterday, Kromlech relaesed new modele which I painted for them :) It's a ork halftruck. Hope u like him :D

Blog--->  http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/09/deth-rokket-halftrack.html


If u want to buy this model, here is the link ---> http://bitsofwar.com/home/229-deth-rokket-halftrack.html


Also u can vote on this model on CMoN ---> http://www.coolminiornot.com/365200




Best regerds

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A new project for myself :) Time to rest from small scale at least for the short moment :D Here u go some WIPs of my new bust - sgt. Oddball from 'Kelly's Heroes'. Hope u saw that fantastic movie :D






And here is the foto of my new rewards from last weekend. It was really nice Polish painitng event :) Also Seamus Crew won another medal :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hudge sneak peek of the next post in my blog. I talk about the return to dwarfs (deadlines are close :D ). I finised OrganGun and Cannon with crews, but today I will show you just crews :D Tomorrow I should show u  final project with machines and tray with huuuudge tutorial how to make it :) Enjoy it!
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Ok, I promised u to show finished Cannons project :) So, here u go some photos. Hope u like it :) Morover, I prepared hudge tutorial with many pictures on my blog, how I build that movemant tray. Sorry, the post is still in Polish but, it will be translate asap.

If u like that dwarfs, u can rate it on CMoN ---> http://www.coolminiornot.com/366184


Full tutorial on my blog here ---> http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/09/dwarf-cannons-how-to-make-trays.html




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  • 4 weeks later...

In last weekend I was in the most importand and the most valiuable competition in Poland. I mean Hussar in Warsow. I finished just one model for this event :P And I was really supprised when I got award in such hard category which was 'bust'. My work was bettwen the biggest artists like YellowOne from Russia, Camelson and Bohun from Poland. I was really big moment for me :) In next year I'm sure I can handle to bring the statue to my home :)


So here u go my finished bust, 'Sgt. Oddball' from 'Kelly's Heroes' movie. U can also vote on him in CMoN. Hope u like him :)

Blog---> http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/10/stg-oddball.html

CMoN---> http://www.coolminiornot.com/367421




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  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday I finished next commission work for Kromlech. This time it was some kind of Nurgle. I didn't want to paint Nurgle as usually that's why I chose blue tones. I hope u like my interpretation :) 

Whole post on my blog ( i finally decide to translate on my own. I hope it's not so bad at all :D) ----> http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/11/spawn-of-khharax.html

If u want to have this mini on your own, u can buy it here ----> http://bitsofwar.com/home/247-spawn-of-khha-r-ax.html

Also, if u want to u can vote on this mini on my CMoN site ----> http://www.coolminiornot.com/368829




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  • 3 weeks later...

Some minutes ago, I finished new commission project. I got from client whole Space Hulk to paint :) And here u go a Librarian from this box. Hope u like him :)


More pics on my blog (not translated yet, but I will do it ASAP) ----> http://raspberryi.blogspot.com/2014/12/spacehulk-vol1-librarian.html

Also if u want u can vote on him on CMoN ---> http://www.coolminiornot.com/369974






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  • 2 weeks later...

Specially for my sponsor ArmyPainter I'm preparing some reviews of their stuff and some tutorials. I want to begin with tutorial how I'm using their paints. Today i finised the base for such a nice model :) The model is a little secret which I will revel after finish painting :)
Hope u like the base :)



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  • 1 month later...

Today, will be again special for Army Painter. I showed you the urban base and I promised that I will prepare tutorial. I made it :) Here u can take a look :




I hope I will finish the last tutorial for AP in this week. It will be about painting Kromlech's Ork Pilot :) 




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  • 1 month later...

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