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Ophelia fixed?

Iron Heel

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So...There have been a couple threads indicating Ophelia had a little too much brokenness.

Part of the promise of upgrades is that it might be a little easier to do course corrections after things are in print.

If you have experience with her and felt she was OP, will these two revised upgrades do the trick?

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I played Ophelia in a tournament on Halloween for the first time and yes, her big threatenin' gun can be a bit broken if you're using three Young LaCroix as a firing line. I'm not entirely sure dropping the low damage by a point is enough but it'll prevent a lot of the one shot kills.

Edited by Vox
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Looking at the Threatenin' Gun now, I think it got over cuddled. Mind you, I didn't think it needed Cuddling to begin with, but now it looks a bit weak. You are going to consistently do comparable if not better damage with the Rough Riders and the Young Lacroix base pistols, you lose the built in Ram on shots, you have to discard it every time you use it (!), and she can't use it on herself any more. That seems like a bit much.

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It is a 1 pt upgrade; it should be earthshattering.

I actually think getting the extra action (move) out of another model is worth the point.

But Ophelia can already has a handy move ability with Ooo a Girl for free. That is pretty pricey to add another one that also uses up her (0) action, meaning she can't do both in a turn.

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I think the big thing about threatenin gun being the issue it was was A) using that upgrade and 3 Lacroix, you could spam 10 attacks that did 4 points of weak damage and caused a Horror Duel. Now, assuming Ophelia starts her activation with it, you can hit 5 attacks, all 5 needing a ram if you want the Horror Duel. Still doable, but it requires more set-up.

"Move it!" Vs "Ooo a Girl": An interesting discussion. A Lacroix of your choice can take a free 1AP or a Gremlin pushes to Ophelia... I see both having their uses... Ophelia having essentially 4AP off of Threatening Gun was a bit silly though.

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Compare Ooh A girl to Your Turn. Ooh a Girl is a 8" push whereas Your Turn is other friendly Kin within 2" is placed anywhere within 8" of this model. Your Turn is a much better use for the Pere bomb since it allows you to place him anywhere within 8" of Ophelia and Ophelia can move with her Wk of 6. So Pere can reckless to move 14" and then Ophelia can walk up behind him and place him so he can gain another 6" of movement. That's 20" of threat range. Just sayin.

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My only complaint is that Ophelia herself doesn't seem to have any reason to shoot with her Threatening Gun anymore. Even pre-cuddle, her basic attack was usually the best choice but now there really is no choice to make.

I mean, I suppose I can come up with a set of circumstances that would lead me to using it, but I thought that M2 was trying to do away with ultra-marginal abilities.

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  • 1 month later...

Then what's the point of the gun part of it? It's just a (0) action that's slightly different than her other ones.

They should have just made it discard like the rest, everyone would have been happy with that. Removing the auto-trigger and dropping the damage has made the gun essentially useless, very few if any situations where it's a better option than the others.

The problem with the gun was that it didn't discard, everyone agreed on that. Adding two other cuddles as well is going too far.

Edited by Manic Mouse
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