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Hannah with Pandora


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Hannah, on paper, seem to have some synergies with Pandora. She can force some willpower duels with her melee attack, give the crew another card, provide with some anti-casting support with her Nether Flux and Counter Spell, and she should also be able to provide some protection for the sorrows due to her 50mm base. In addition, Hannah could benefit from general Neverborn upgrades such as Fears Given Form and Nexus of Power.

But this is just some observations, have anyone tried it out? :)

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I've not tried it, but the only reason I haven't is an inability to find a decent proxy model for Hannah.

Only real problems with her are that she tends to be slower than most of a pandora crew, and has to get up close. Again, not bad compared to models like bad juju, but he does all that, and tanks better, for 3ss cheaper.

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