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Ramos crew build


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Still new to using Ramos,I've played 3 games with him,and won one,I haven't got a problem with this as I'm still learning to use him,the 2 losses were down to focussing too much on using the rail golem and worried about not killing my own arachnids...

Anyway here's a list I want to try out...focussing on M&SU

Cache 3 +1ss

Ramos-arcane reservoir,electric summoning & under pressure 5ss

Brass arachnid-4ss

Rail golem-11ss-imbued energies 1ss

2 metal gamin-8ss

Johan-6{7}ss-imbued energies-1ss

3 steam arachnids-12ss

if my math is correct (and there's a distinct chance,it may not) that's bang on 50ss

im contemplating dropping the spiders for another gamin...but not sure what else,I know I need joss but he's not arrived yet!



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It is more cost effective to hire the EC and destroy it for scrap to summon spiders. Generally speaking you'll get more bang from your buck summoning spiders every turn instead of the EC and it opens up an upgrade slot. My .02¢.

Yeah, I agree that summoning the EC might be a waste of AP and an upgrade slot. If you just spend the three stones to start with it, by the end of turn one you can have 2 or three spiders and be down field with 2 AP left to use.

You can only summon one EC per turn, and they are Insignificant, thus will get you less activations and no interacts. Summoning spiders will get you up to 3 models per turn, and they can drop markers and the like. I realize that they are not mutually exclusive, since summoning the EC is a zero action, but it takes both a valuable upgrade slot, and prevents a bit of Ramos' mobility via Magnetism.

Ultimately, you will be running Joss it sounds like, which is almost an auto-include for his scrap generation, so you are sure to need the freed up stones from the spiders (or somewhere) to include him eventually. I'm certainly no tournament winner or expert though, so I would certainly recommend trying your build and seeing how it plays out.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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