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Lilith v2 - not quite a master any more?


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What has happened to Lilith? Did whe do something bad a Wyrd to have her so savagely downgraded compared to other masters. DF down 1 and no mask, WP down 1, Charge down 3!!!,

Now compare with Blind Justice - WP up 1, WD up 2.

Lilith looks more like an average henchman with a pathetic WP of 5, and charge down to 6, with no extra wounds she is severely reduced and not worthy to lead my Neverborn at the moment as she will get creamed any time anyone tries a willpower duel.

I have compared many of the V2 masters against the 1.5 stats and most come out better or at least the same.

Anyone else share my disappointment/horror.

One AngryHobbit

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Yes, looks like in the new edition you actually have to think when playing her and not just rush her into the enemy and laugh as they are trying to hit your insanely high Df. Lol jk, you have Nexus of Power and Barbaros.

Seriously speaking, she can kill stuff as well as before, she still has one of the best defensive stats (and can take Nexus if you really want more tankyness) and she and her crew got a lot of shiny new movement and board control tricks. I have only played one game with her (a friend loaned me his crew as I mainly play Ressers), and found her very fun to play.

And regarding her "weakness" to Wp duels, as a McMourning player I can safely say that you will learn to deal with it, especially now that crews like Pandora became a bit less painful to play against.

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Seems like you want her to be the same as she used to be. No master is like that anymore. Lilith is still bad news. Have you actually gotten her on the table? She plays a little differently but is still a great master. A friend of mine who used to use her in 1.5 but moved on to a different master has been using Lilith exclusively in M2E....he loves her and thinks she is boss.

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I've played her a few times now and am quite happy with what she can do.

She is not quite the I'll wander off on my own and live in the middle of a big crowd of enemy models that she used to be, but is still pretty capable in melee, and has plenty of tricks.

Try her, she is still pretty handy and worthy of her master status.

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Thanks for the replies everyone.

I have played Lilith with 1.5 (not necessarily very well) and tended to use her as the serious muscle. Yet to play v2 but your comments on being more tactical and sneaky means I will definitely put some more thought into my next encounter.

That's the proper attitude!! Once you start figuring her out a bit and wrecking some face, you may actually like her more than you used to. A master is so much more than stats and black and white will show. Synergy has increased in M2E, so picking your crew and the proper upgrades.....using all available tactics has really increased my overall enjoyment of the game.

Good luck when you play her. I want to here how much you love her after a few games :)

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GL! Point of caution for you, and it is something I brought up during the last play test, make sure you know what your enemies models can do. More than anything Lilith's weakness is her WP, which means you have to think a little more than Lady J does.

Lady J knows she is more fragile in Df, and that almost everything has an attack which goes against DF, and attacks against her WP which come out of left field attack a stat she is very high in so she doesn't really have to worry too much about them.

Lilith is the reverse, you are VERY strong defensively, but you really have to be aware who has the WP attacks in the other crew before you play them. Make sure you know where those attacks are and either stay away from those that cause them, or mitigate it somehow.

I've killed an incautious lilith too many times with an unexpected Shriek from Madam Sybelle that this is a lesson I always give to new M2E Lilith players.

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I've played a handful of games with Lilith so far... and... I absolutely love the changes to her in M2E!!!

I've got to think sooo much more now and I like it. The synergy between the other Nephilim is top notch and I really feel it's all about how the whole crew works now and not just Lilith and her buddies. I even like the other miniatures now more than ever. Last night I played against her with the Viks and just barely won. I got initiative and was able to deal a killing blow...but, had the flip gone in my opponents favour, it would have been lights out for me. I did get to see several Tots racing around with 20inch moves that game and just from flips. After playing her as my first crew in 1 and 1.5 for a while then moving on, I am stuck in with her again and really enjoy the control of the board that I get with her now. Black Blood Pustule = very nasty way to slap a ton of damage onto a tightly packed group.

And that advice about knowing the other crew... yeah, keep it to heart. :)

Play and enjoy! NEVERBORN!!!

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