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The131 club Halloween party 10/30/13 Hadley MA demos and story encounter

Inquisitor Wall

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On Wednesday 10/30/13 the 131 gaming club will be having our annual Halloween party. In addition to some warhammer and warmachine events I will be running demos as well as the new Halloween story encounter. Any player that plays the story encounter will be entered into a raffle at the end of the night

The 131 Halloween Party is here!

Where: Off the Wall Games, Hadley, MA

Day: Wednesday, October 30th

Time: Early afternoon until closing (about 2pm to 10pm)


Food! We'll have food, potluck style. So, please bring a little something. Reply here with what you will bring.

Costumes! Because games are better when people are dressed as monsters!

And of course, games! We'll have Malifaux Halloween events! Squig and Death Races! Movie Marines! And the Warmachine Arena!

Plus a Halloween painting competition. There will be two categories. One, is the open class, bring anything that was painted for the event (must not be painted as of now, September 22nd). Take the next 38 days to do your best work.

Then, the speed class! Show up with one model, which can be assembled and primed, but with no other paint on it. And paint it at the store.

Trophies for both categories.

Last, there will be a bits swap. But this will have to be very well maintained, and end at some point once space becomes and issue. We all knows bits can take up a ton of space which is needed for other people at the store. So, keep your bits tidy. And at some point move them back to your cars when space is needed. Earlier would be better, so lets swap bits before the other events.

Members only raffle. Every 131 member gets a raffle ticket for each event they play (one per event). And another ticket for showing up. Another for bringing food. Bonus raffle ticket for members in costume! Raffle drawings will be in the evening (maybe about 7pm or so).

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