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New Edition New Faction Starting Arcanists (looking for help)


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The current Ramos box is himself, Howard Langston, and some spiders I believe. It's a good start in that you will use all the models but you'll need some additional spiders for summons and I like the Electrical construct for easy turn 1 scrap.

A good starter list for Ramos would probably be the following around 35 SS.


Howard Langston

2x steam arachnids


That comes up to 29 or 30 stones (I'm away from my book/cards at the moment) which gives you some stones for upgrades on Ramos and to maybe boost your cache by a stone or two for adding suits, usually for summoning with Ramos if you get a 11-13 :tomes or you don't have a 8-10 :tomes for the straight cast of his summon.

Ramos very quickly escalates with his summons in M2E and being able to effectively get a 9ss model for 1 stone and a high tome in game is powerful (summon 3 spiders and swarm together). Joss is a brilliant help for getting extra scrap in game since every kill he makes produces one in addition to what would normally drop (so constructs drop 2). It's very easy in the first 2 turns to have Joss kill 1 steam arachnid and then Ramos uses the 2 scrap to summon 4 more from it's body (2 each turn) to really ramp up your activation order.

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I agree that the starter box is a good beginning, but that you will want more models to have his crew function optimally. I agree with picking up at least one Electrical Creation model. Even putting aside the fact that there may be a build where you take the upgrade to summon them outright, many Ramos players take an EC for turn one set up: move the EC up, Ramos uses his Magnetism for free movement and to destroy the EC for scrap to get his summoning going.

I would suggest picking up more spiders, the number if which dependent on whether or not you are going to magnet mount them or not. With only the six spiders from the box with standard mounting of the models to the bases, you will end up with three spiders and one swarm, or just six spiders. You will want to have a swarm to summon out of injured spiders, or to eat scheme markers, and since there is the possibility of summoning spiders every turn and you can't count on them always getting killed, I would suggest maybe 6-9 spiders and 1-2 swarms.

If you mount them with small rare earth magnets, you can switch the models from one on a base to three on a base and "make them go further."

I might also suggest picking up the Brass Arachnid at some point, as his ability to reactivate Howard or Joss is pretty cool.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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Hello and welcome! *grin*

To add to what the others have said;

Yes the box is worth getting. It comes with Ramos, Howard Langston (Steamborg Executioner) and six Steam Arachnids, which can be assembled as individual Steam Arachnids on 30mm bases or grouped together three on a 40mm base to form a Steam Arachnid Swarm. These are all models you'll use regularly.

As for what crew to build it depends how quickly you want to get to a full sized crew. My first four Ramos purchases would be;

  • Ramos Starter Box
  • Joss
  • Electrical Creation
  • Steam Arachnid Swarm

From which I’d build this crew at a full size 50ss game;


+ Upgrades and stones (8)

Joss (10)

Howard Langston (12)

Steam Arachnid Swarm (8)

Steam Arachnid (4)

Steam Arachnid (4)

Electric Creation (4)

This laves you with four Steam Arachnids spare to summon.

Hope this helps!

If you have any more questions please just ask.

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Other models to look at when you are firm on the rules and basic strategies of Ramos: Rail Golem, A second Electric Creation, Large Steam Arachnid, Johan, and Ice Golem.

They all add some things to your selections that are quite useful. and having two EC lets you summon two, blow one up next to the other for unpreventable 5 damage and a scrap token left over.

Still, start with the list that MythicFox gave you. it'll be a good all comers list and a great way to learn the basics of Ramos interaction with his crew.

As for upgrades, the first upgrades I'd start with are his energy field and the generic that gives you an extra card in hand. all of his upgrades are good, but those are the one that are going to give you the best chance to learn the game without being overmatched against more experienced players(because they give you a bit better chance of cheating, and a bit better chance of not getting hit).

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is only one problem with the Ramos box. it comes out in December, when I don't have money to buy my plastic pretties. I'd rather get a new crew as a present...

Also, 4th Howard, but I can deal with that. One of them will be on fire, one will be in a dress, and two for Ramos...(Miss and Metal Howie)

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