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IronHead's threade o ye olde hobbye


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Hey all,

Ironhead here. As I said in the new player lounge, I caught the Malifaux bug hard.

I have built a few custom table toppers and accompanying terrain so far and am raring to go on more.

Here you will find miniatures, terrain and other hobby stuff! Hope you enjoy!

First up, some pics of the finished table and some terrain I have made for one of my local stores:


In progress

During a game last week against one of our local guys and his brand spanking new Lady Justice crew:




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Thanks! I am currently working on finishing my modular bayou board. I textured the hills/islands for it yesterday and am hoping to apply my first coat of black primer to them tonight. And then I need to start the business of bridges and stilt platforms...

dgraz: the crates are Pegasus Hobbies Crates, prepainted. They are a good deal and look great.

The tower is very easy, I will be building a new one soon and will make sure to post up a tutorial with pics and all!

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Progress continues on the hills. These are just pink insulation foam from Home Depot, bought in 2' x 2' squares, cut with a jabsaw and given some texture and shape with a hand file. Then textured with woodglue and playsand. Primed with black house-paint. Gonna go back over these and catch any parts that I missed. Tomorrow should see the hills drybrushed and flocked!



Productive Criticism is always welcome!

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An afternoon of football and no work today lead me to getting in some much needed hobby time. Other than a glueing disaster with a new building, everything went pretty well.

Got WiPs here of my token set:

- Corpse (will be made to look like bloodstained flesh)


- Scrap


- Strategy (designed to look both like Squat, Turf, etc... markers. Might serve as Scheme Markers in a pinch too, although I am looking into something more thematic)


Also made progress on my Mei-Feng Crew, will just need some highlights on clothes and basing:

Rail Worker


Rail Worker AKA Liu Kang haha


Rail Worker


Kang (decided to forego his hat, although I might paint it up and stick it on with blue tack to see if I like the look of it after all)


Mei Feng (I do not know yet about her, I like the green, but the white might jar a little too much with the rest of her crew. I have been thinking of changing her up to something a little closer to her art...)


The Emberling I have made more progress on since snapping this pic, will post the finished product with the rest of the crew.

And finally, some tents I got from Renedra (their Ridge Set I believe)





As always, constructive criticism is always welcome y'all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alrighty then! Finally an update. I apologize guys, between work and my Henchman App, I have been too busy to update this as much as I would like. But that changes now. I have had my Henchman App approved and have joined the slavering minions, err... the hallowed ranks of the Wyrd Henchmen. Find my 2 intro crews below, I am adding the Viktorias and Leveticus to these, with plans on more intro forces pretty soon. Feast your eyes on my Shadows of Red Chapel and Rail Crew!


Seamus and the girls strolling through the Bayou


Mei Feng and her loyal, underpaid and under-appreciated followers

On top of this, I have been busy setting up a Slow Grow league for the main FLGS that I frequent. The league is now in its 2nd week, still capped at a Henchman and 2 Minions (roughly 12 SS). The players seem to be getting it and I have been steadily incorporating aspects of the game (e.g. Schemes, Soulstones, etc...) and everybody seems to be happy with it.

Here are a couple of pics that I managed to snap during some of our game nights





---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 PM ----------

Oh noes, double post!:Sad_Puppet2:

As promised at the start of this "blog", here are more pics of the terrain that I have been building/painting for Malifaux. The western style Construction table is not new, but I have finally completed the Bayou table and all of its islands and bridges. Its apparently a hit with some of the players, most of whom have Unimpeded models, I wonder why. Lastly I helped our FLGS owner paint up a Garden of Morr set he had lying around unpainted, which will help fill out a planned churchyard style table that will probably be made to look like a quarantine zone type gothic wasteland (read: I have a lot of gothic ruins from Pegasus Hobbies, Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40,000).

Here are a few pictures of the tables readied for battle:




Church yard


Bayou/Neverborn Shrine

Constructive criticism and veiled threats are always welcome!

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