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Miniatures Case


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So, I find myself at a problem. I have too many pieces to fit in the Tackle Box I've been using as a Malifaux case. A friend is selling his foam Malifaux Case for $60, but I just started a new job and am poor.

I was wondering what are other players using to schlep their pieces around or what suggestions they may have. I currently have 4 50mm pieces, 3 40mm pieces and 20-30ish 30mm pieces.

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I would also recommend the magnets and toolbox method (especially for Malifaux where a lot of models are difficult to fit in standard foam trays due to the dynamic posing). Pistol cases are good as well but I think the rifle cases are better due to increased size (not just in length but in width and height as well). The only real downside to them is that you may get some rather interesting looks walking around with rifle cases now days.

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If you like the magnet approach, but think toolboxes get too heavy or already have a Battlefoam case, keep in mind that Battlefoam has thin metal rack stacks that are cut to fit in their case and replace the foam. You can then just fill the tower with your magnetized miniatures

Those are a good suggestion as well, however I dont recall the racks being overly adjustable in height. That could be a bit of a problem with some of the larger and more dynamic Malifaux models (solid look at Nekima and most of the Avatar models).

It does give me an idea though as a trip to the DIY hardware stores would provide everything needed (threaded rod, nuts with lock washers, thin sheet metal, etc) to custom make them easy enough with only the minimalist of skills required.

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Those are a good suggestion as well, however I dont recall the racks being overly adjustable in height. That could be a bit of a problem with some of the larger and more dynamic Malifaux models (solid look at Nekima and most of the Avatar models).

It does give me an idea though as a trip to the DIY hardware stores would provide everything needed (threaded rod, nuts with lock washers, thin sheet metal, etc) to custom make them easy enough with only the minimalist of skills required.

Yeah, I think the only way to adjust the height might be to leave one of the steel plates out and have a rack at double height. For some of the biggest models, I worry that the may be in danger in such a magnetized system anyway due to their weight. I sure a strong enough magnet could be procured, but thinking of such large solid metal models like the Peacekeeper and Nightmare LCB, they may slide around due to their mass. Additionally, have other models packed onto the tray helps the "normal size" models stay in place, as even if one model was inclined to slide it would be prevented from doing so by an adjacent model that is also magnetized. By the nature of Malifaux, one is less likely to have as many large models (because there are simply fewer of them), so one may have trouble filling up a tray sufficiently, though I guess one could just place other magnets around a model 's base, or even glue some rails down or the like.

In any event, I certainly agree with Omenbringer that the trays/towers can be made for a fraction of the cost of buying them, and one should certainly entertain the cost/benefit analysis of price vs. convenience before taking the plunge with Battlefoam.

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