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Tyberos, TRW

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The models which weren't in the 1st Wave will enter public Beta testing on the 7th October.

This will include the Dreamer.

The rules will be changable for a few months which has the upside of you can have a say in what the models can and can not do, but has the down side of potentially having a new set of rules every week to read and understand.

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To elaborate, the base the rules will not change. However, rules for models specifically will not. For example, the Dreamer may gain and lose abilities, change point costs (for his units) or change a bit throughout the beta. The last beta was very cool, and community input was taken VERY seriously. If you play in the beta (proxy or not), definitely post your opinions on the dreamer/Neverborn in general. A newer player's opinion is extremely valuable.

Also, you'll find Malifaux is MUCH cheaper than 40k. It makes an excellent "companion" game if you don't want to put as much focus on it.

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To elaborate, the base the rules will not change. However, rules for models specifically will not. For example, the Dreamer may gain and lose abilities, change point costs (for his units) or change a bit throughout the beta. The last beta was very cool, and community input was taken VERY seriously. If you play in the beta (proxy or not), definitely post your opinions on the dreamer/Neverborn in general. A newer player's opinion is extremely valuable.

Also, you'll find Malifaux is MUCH cheaper than 40k. It makes an excellent "companion" game if you don't want to put as much focus on it.

How exactly does the beta work? Will new items be for sale on the store or does it just happen in local stores?

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This is going off of the last beta, but basically a M2E beta forum will appear. In it, there will be links to PDFs of all of the cards/extra rules etc. Every week, a new version of this playtest packet is released. A tracker will tell you exactly what changes are made. For example, if the Dreamer's daydreams changed from 4SS each to 5SS each, it would be mentioned in the tracker. You simply play games as normal. Any new units won't have the models released until at least post-beta. This is to ensure their cards are finalized. Posting on the forum can have a profound influence on the models' rules. Your personal store might do different things with the beta (Print-outs etc.) but otherwise it's up to you. Expect a decent amount of proxying, but it can be very fun.

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Its all about playing games with the rules we have been given and then posting battle reports and engaging in discussion about how the rules are playing out on the table. Most models probably won't see drastic changes, so it wont completely change from week to week, but many will see tweaks based on how people are finding them on the table.

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