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Misaki as an Outcast


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I'm just wondering about people's opinions of playing Misaki as an Outcast rather than 10 Thunders, and also how you'd go about playing her.

Right now, ;m under the impression that there are 2 ways of going about playing her.

The first would be as an Outcast in name mostly. What I mean by this is taking a lot of her normal upgrades and all 4 Last Blossom models like you normally would, but fill in the holes with ronin, gunslingers, and other Mercs shes used to.

The other way would be to circumvent Last Blossom all together and use more of a Viks or Von Schill type crew of Mercs, just with Misaki at the lead rather than one of the other 2.

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I would consider a mix of the two.

You want to gain an advantage usign her as outcast that you couldn't get as 10 thunder, and also get something that one of the other leaders couldn't use/do.

I like the Oathkeeper upgrade in Outcasts, and think Ototo and/or Yamizaki can benifit from fast.

Survivialist will improve Shang for Misaki, alternatively you could take the malifaux child instead and be able to heal any model.

Shadow stride and Void wretches are an interesting heal mechanism.

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Thinking about it, here's a list I'm liking for Squatter's Rights:



+Disguise/Stalking Bisento (to taste)




+Smoke & Shadows





The Idea here is that the Ronin move up towards the 2 Middle markers (0-X-0-X-0, like that)

At the same time, Misaki and the Torakage try to Smoke and Shadows while Yamaziko either tries to bury as well or moves up to watch the center. After everyone on both sides has gone, torakage unbury on the far edge markers or where ever seems best to start claiming, while Misaki gets into position to start attacking and baiting models. Yamaziko moves to where she can do the most good, most likely picking off stragglers or defending.

The idea is to either split your opponents focus and hold the outsides, or (since torakage and ronin are both decent combatants) hold their own while the others claim 1 side of the board and make a push to aid them.

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Unfortunately, Smoke and Shadows is for use by minions only.

But I think Misaki benefits quite a bit from ranged units, and Survivalist is a strong upgrade. KillJoy + Torakage can make for a very unpleasant turn where everything just 'pops up' in your face and kills you.

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