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Flat Land Games "Rapid Growth League- Starting Wednesday October 10th Wixom Mi


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You read right Rapid Growth League starting Wednesday October 10th at

Flat Land Games

  • 28990 South Wixom Road
  • Wixom, Michigan 48393

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[TD=class: _51m- vTop phs pbs _51mw](248) 773-7854Come join this exciting League built to get you up and running in the mean streets and alleys of Malifaux.

The Rules are easy, pick a crew starter box and start playing some 25soulstone games. After a week of that we move up to 30ss games and so on finally ending at 50ss games.

Crew construction is easy its boxset plus whatever else you want to add.

They'll be achievement sheets for things done in a game as well as incentive for painting.

League will be free to join sign up here and at flat land games they'll have a signup sheet in the next day or so.

Again fixed master pick your crew box and start playing

newbie and vet friendly.[/TD]



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Official Rules

Pick a master for the duration of the league. 30ss crew to start for first week growing 5ss each week. Play a game each week with an achieve meant list that you'll get on start of league 1 game a week.

As you get achievements well record those as well along with the points for performance.

3pts for a win

2pts for a tie

1pt for a loss.

Well have a prize for Best General

Best Painted

Most Improved

The League will Run October 9th on Wednesdays at flat land games and will end November


sample Achievements



1.) Win a Game (1pt)

2.) Tie a Game (1pt)

3.) Lose a game(1pt)

4.) Flip the Red Joker on Prevention (3pts)

5.) Flip the black joker on prevention(3pts)

6.) Win a game with no models on the table (5pts)

7.) Lose a game with no models on the table (3pts)

8.) Complete both schemes for 3pts each (2pts)

9.) Complete your opponents scheme for them (3pts)

10.) Play against a different faction from your own (1pt)

11.) Play against a the same faction as your own (1pt)

12.) Learn new things Switch crews with your opponent (4pts)

13.) Bring your tape measure (1pt)


14.) Paint a model in your crew (1pt for each model painted this week)

15.) Reinforcements-Bring in a new player that would like a demo (6pts)

16.) Try a new model in your list (2pts)

Over the course of the league

1.) Expert Fighter: Play a game against every faction represented in the league (8pts)

2.) Take on all comers: Play a game against every person in the league (12pts)

3.) Rembrandt: Painted your entire 50pt crew over the League (12pts)

4.) King of the Hill, Play a minimum of 6 league games and win, no ties (12Pts)

5.) Kick me when I’m down, Play a minimum of 6 league games and not win no ties (15pts)

6.) Kissing your sister: Play a minimum of 6 league games and tie everytime (8pts)

7.) Likes to Fight Guy: Play the most games in the league (10pts)

8.) It Happens on Wednesday: Show up every Wednesday and play at least 1 game (20pts)

Edited by rancor709
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Tremendous Response tonight for the league and we had a few that had life issues and had to miss first week even with that we had 9 bodies in playing malifaux and another 2 stuck at work. So going to be a good size league and lots of fun all around. Watch this space as I will post the weekly bonus achievement here and on the facebook page. And remember next week is 35 points.

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Reminder last day of the league is tonight 50pts and its basically a free for all. You can switch up your master, play with Beta models and do so while attempting to win

with your master on half wds to 1wd for 5pts

And for 7pts win a game with wave 1 only vs all wave 2 models-This is more for the value these types of battles are to play testing than a determinor of how hard the feat is.

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