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Enter the Breach : Malifaux theme day @ 7th Heaven Salisbury 12th October

Neil of Orange

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Hi all,

Neil here, I'm running a theme day @ 7th Heaven (in Salisbury, UK) on the 12th of October for Malifaux.

What's going on? Well I'm going to be flexible depending on who comes and what they want to do, but currently the plans include:

* Looking at the new M2E book, cards and rules generally

* Building some of the new figures, the Lady Justice crew

* Displaying all my painted Malifaux stuff, and the new Tara the unstoppable death machine figures

* Painting - the Tara crew mentioned above!

* Building - bases and scenery

* Advice - especially for the tourney the following week - some players have been brave enough to publish their crews, I have some ideas that might help you!

*...oh yes and playing. For anyone wanting to get some practice for the tourney the following week or wanting to try M2E.

Feel free to drop in whenever, I'll be around all day but you don't have to be!

Event on facebook (including gaming shop location details etc.):


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