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Demo Day - Jackson MI - 09/21/2013 - Nostalgia Ink


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Demo Day - Jackson MI - 09/21/2013 - Nostalgia Ink

Date: 09/21/2013 Saturday

Time: 12pm-4pm (email me if you might be later, I can accomodate)

City/State: Jackson, Michigan

Location/Store: Nostalgia Ink

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In anticipation for our new Local Game Store (Old Comic Store under new ownership interested in bringing in the gaming community) to receive their order for the Malifaux 2nd Edition Stock over the next few months, I will be running demos to show people the ropes in the 2nd Edition world of Malifaux!

*Note: The store does not have stock yet, I will be purely teaching some locals and drop ins the game by request for now. Feel free to come check out the store and say hey too!

Contact me at Diretrolljake@gmail.com for any further information!

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