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Spray paint incident

Wooden Crow

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Had a quick question, I recently began play malifaux and painting figures. I have one crew finished and last night began the under coat of a second. With the first crew I used chaos black spray by GW and had no problems. I tried with the second one to use a grey primer as I was told it is easier to balance colors with. Anyway ended up using to much and losing quite a bit of detail. The question I have is there a way to rectifiy this. Thought about stripping it but as the models are plastic was a little worried about that.

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Dollar General stores carry a cheap citrus based cleaner which from experience I know works wonderful for stripping paint. Just submerge them in it for a day or two and then scrub the paint off with a brush. A small dental scraper type tool works well for getting the paint out of the really hard to reach areas.

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