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9/21/13 - Rochester, NY - Story event LOCK IN!


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It's time to kick off Malifaux 2nd Edition events. But, being the group we are, there is no need to stress about it. Lets have a laid back evening/night of gaming and fun.

Starting at 7pm, I will be running an escalation Malifaux event, using the Story encounters section of the new rule book. There will be 4 or 5 games depending on how long we take, and player interest. There will be no time limits...when the games are done, we move on to the next round. (I did mention this was going to be laid back.) The only construction stipulation I am putting on this is that at least half of the MODELS from each game must be used in the next game. (This is a story event after all. Not really a story if the characters keep changing.)

There will be food, and there will be prizes. There will be a trophy for the top player, and raffle tickets will be handed out during the night for a selection of prizes at the end of it all.

$20 gets you in to the event. Part of this will be used for the food, but the rest goes back to prizes. Come along and have some fun. Bring a friend and increase the fun. This event is even low key enough for new players if they are so inclined.

Where: Millennium Games

3047 West Henrietta Road

Rochester, New York 14623

When: September 21st from 7pm until we are done.

Fee: $20

Edited by Bruglyother
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