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I think I'd love a Wyrd version of Inquisitor.

Jonas Albrecht

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Stuff like this is why I really miss the blogs. You could idea dump all day long without wondering if you were contributing to the site.

Anyway, wayyyyy back in "tabletop wargaming" meant "losing to my friend's vampire warband in Mordheim", GW came out with a game called Inquisitor, that had large minis and WYSIWYG rules for your model's loadout. I never really got a chance to get into it, because around that time the US military decided that my weather predicting powers were needed in Japan, and gaming fell apart for me for awhile.

By chance, I e-stumbled upon one of the figures from that game that I really liked and it got me thinking. This would be perfect for Malifaux. Large model versions of famous Malifaux archtypes like the Death Marshals, Nephilim, and Showgirls. Rules that trade back and forth model activation for back and forth AP usage. Cool narrative play that would make it a hybrid of Through the Breach and Malifaux.

So Wyrd, if you ever want to expand Malifaux out (and don't make a Wyrd version of Mordheim), consider a single mini skirmish game with large, detailed figures.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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I never really cared for the Inquistor-scale miniatures. I'd rather have minis that were the normal size, as they work better with standard DnD/Pathfinder gaming mats. Inquisitor-scale miniatures made it difficult to accurately represent distances of more than thirty feet or so on the table, which meant that every fight either had to start close up (which isn't realistic) or had to abandon a gaming mat entirely (which defeated the point of using the minis in the first place).

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I was always allured by it but never committed, the usual "nobody will play this" mentality in me didn't help. That it was basically an RPG with very heavy use of miniatures also made it a very weird breed of a thing, so I feel it would be very hard to actually move a similar concept and to do a Mordheim, where there's no real need to increase the scale.

That it would be giants in Liliput with my terrain is another strike against it. I would love a Mordheim like system, even if it's only worth a wyrd chronicles entry with only minions and enforcers that grow, I do believe they already published something like that for M1...

Getting back on topic, I'd probably do big models more for display purposes than anything.

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I come from 40k and I was attracted to Malifaux because of the smaller game size. Originally Rogue Trader was a smaller game that focused on characters, then the idea was to bring more and more miniatures onto the table. I worry about Malifaux turning into that, but the Character driven nature of Malifaux keeps me from thinking about it too much.

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Stuff like this is why I really miss the blogs. You could idea dump all day long without wondering if you were contributing to the site.

Anyway, wayyyyy back in "tabletop wargaming" meant "losing to my friend's vampire warband in Mordheim", GW came out with a game called Inquisitor, that had large minis and WYSIWYG rules for your model's loadout. I never really got a chance to get into it, because around that time the US military decided that my weather predicting powers were needed in Japan, and gaming fell apart for me for awhile.

By chance, I e-stumbled upon one of the figures from that game that I really liked and it got me thinking. This would be perfect for Malifaux. Large model versions of famous Malifaux archtypes like the Death Marshals, Nephilim, and Showgirls. Rules that trade back and forth model activation for back and forth AP usage. Cool narrative play that would make it a hybrid of Through the Breach and Malifaux.

So Wyrd, if you ever want to expand Malifaux out (and don't make a Wyrd version of Mordheim), consider a single mini skirmish game with large, detailed figures.

I was literally thinking about this a few days ago, without recalling the name of the GW game. So thank you, Jonas. This is a really helpful post and I agree with the sentiment. I'd love to play a game like that... I think I'd prefer it to be solely unique models in gameplay, but that can be worked around lol

~Lil Kalki

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Baring rules issues I think the scale of the miniatures was one of the main factors in why the game never really caught on. Having to make all new terrain for everything in a scale that wouldn't work with any of our other games just meant that it never even got attempted. Although I understand there is a bit of a scene for 28mm Inquisitor.

I think it would be cool to see large scale models of some of the iconic models, but would be rather sceptical about its viability as a game.

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Never used any terrain with it, but the Shadowrun large scale clix game (3 combat dials) was entertaining and had potential. Of course, the turn by turn tactical decision of just which 4 of your available dice you would take made each turn a gamble.

But on the note of clix: How about Maliclix? Retool models into the clix system and see what happens, at least for a casual game.

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Originally Rogue Trader was a smaller game that focused on characters, then the idea was to bring more and more miniatures onto the table. I worry about Malifaux turning into that, but the Character driven nature of Malifaux keeps me from thinking about it too much.

I really should stop calling it the Privateer Press Procedure, since GW got there first.

X-Wing has hints of going the same way too. It's somewhat depressing.

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I really should stop calling it the Privateer Press Procedure, since GW got there first.

X-Wing has hints of going the same way too. It's somewhat depressing.

Well, sure. For an optional format that won't supplant the standard tournament format. But then, I was already playing 500-points-on-the-table 4-player extravaganzas on my own, so that's not that big a deal.

X-Wing's standard release waves will continue to be 4 ships a pop, with each balanced for a 100 point tournament format.

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