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New Player, just got interested in starting


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Hello, first time poster have yet to play the game, but have seen a couple of batreps online. Wargaming Consortium and Wargamer Girl shout out.

Heard that 2e was starting and thought it would be a good place to jump in.

Full disclosure:

  • Warhammer 40k Ork player
  • DnD and other RPG player
  • Looking for a small skirmish game as palette cleanser, plan to go full tilt into the game though.

I am currently looking to start right now I have narrowed down to either Guild, Outcasts, or Ten Hammers. Gremlins are not on the table for me right now because I am already playing Orks in 40k and I don't think I could handle playing two crazy armies at one time.

Aesthetically I am moving closer to the Guild, because I like the Wild West theme, the three masters all look cool to me. The Ten Hammers were on the list because Mei Feng and the Rail Workers seem cool. In the Outcasts I like the Ronin, but I hear I have to take Viktoria as a master for them to be worth wild and I dislike how they work mechanically.

Gameplay wise I am looking to do a lot of shooting and melee attacks. Magic is not really a corner stone in what I like in my starting army. If anyone could suggest a faction/master to start that would be awesome.

Planning on buying the rule book as soon as I can. Was told by the henchman at my local store that you could get it online, but was told by one of the store clerks that it was a GenCon only pre-release. Wanted to verify this. I am getting the 1.5e stuff from a friend for cheap just so I can read up on the fluff.

I saw that the decks have cool artwork and wondered if there are specific faction decks I could buy with art from the faction I choose or if all the Malifaux decks are pretty much a mixture.

I know very little of the fluff right now aside from the background of the Breach that is on the main website. Oh and that Mr Chompy and Dreamer have a very funny backstory.

Any help at all would be appreciated. I was hoping Miniwargaming would start doing batreps for the game so I could get a better feel, but after finding out about 2e and finally getting settled at my new job I thought what better time to start.

Sorry if this is all a bit too long to read. *worried*

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You're probably looking at the Guild, then, if you like shooting and melee. There's not a lot of magic in there, although Sonnia does stand out as an exception. I'd recommend looking into Lady Justice, honestly. She's a flat out beatstick, and the Death Marshals are pretty good as shooters.

The ronin are mercenaries- anyone can take them. Misaki might be a good choice for them, running them as Outcasts. Also, I'd recommend taking another look at the Viks when you get the 2nd edition rules, they're also a good pair of beatsticks. A lot of their mechanics changed in 1.5 to 2e, I believe.

The 2nd edition book was available for pre-release during Gencon, but it should be on the shelves soon. Current guessing is September, with October as the latest. As far as the decks, there aren't any specific faction decks for artwork. There's some themes with the colors on the back, but the artwork in the decks is the same.

No worries on the length of the post, and welcome to the forums and the game! *grin*

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Either way is not a bad choice, the only reason I recommend Dita over Lady J is that Dita has good ranged attacks that she can use in melee. Lady J is a beast at Ml but I think Dita is just as bad and can shoot you as you come across the board. Yeah and Death Marshals can be run with her. Since the Lady J crew box is going to be released (again) soon I'd go that route and get her and the Marshals since you can expand into the family. Unless you want the metal sculpts in which case buy the Guild deck (when it becomes available again) and pick out what Master you want to run.

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Thanks for all the input. I've decided to go Guild for right now. Starting with the Wave 1 box and spreading out to the Ortegas. In fact the Death Marshal and Judge models in Wave 1 look a lot better than their 1.5e counterparts in my honest opinion.

Its also good that my local store Henchman said that Guild is under represented at the store.


I will never go to the dark side Resurrectionist scum!

Edited by Hagisman
Adding colorful banter.
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Thanks for all the input. I've decided to go Guild for right now. Starting with the Wave 1 box and spreading out to the Ortegas. In fact the Death Marshal and Judge models in Wave 1 look a lot better than their 1.5e counterparts in my honest opinion.

Its also good that my local store Henchman said that Guild is under represented at the store.


I will never go to the dark side Resurrectionist scum!

Corbin? I am assuming by your comments that it is you. You are in the NH area? If so, we chatted today. Great to see you've found the boards. There is a lot of great helpful information here.

To the point of all the posters above, choose what you think looks best! If you like Guild go for it. While it is under-represented in the area, it is by no means 'not represented'. Greg (Fastenhate, another Henchman around here), is a big fan of guild as it is his starter faction.

I wish I had picked up the other two faction decks at Gencon to help people like you who are just finding out. Regradless, a lot of us have the book. In the interim feel free to use my book if you want to get a game in for stat cards.

Regardless, our area is really excited for all the new blood in the area. I think there are easily 30 players now ranging from casual to hardcore, so you'll find someone to play.

As a side note here is another poster who is looking for games in the area. Hope to see you Tuesday. Cheers mate!


P.S. If this isn't Corbin, sorry for the confusion, but your post sounds EXACTLY like a conversation I had with Corbin at my local store just a few hours ago!

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Yeah its me. :)

The Guild were originally my first choice so it was surprise to me that there were only a couple of people that played them. I made the decision before I went to the store yesterday, so no need to worry about me choosing it because its under represented.

And I will be stopping by next Tuesday hopefully. My friend just got a new job though so he might not be able to. He has to wait to see if his schedule pans out.

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