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Somer Teeth Jones


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Hello all Gremlin players,

I am an arcanist player and own pretty much the entire faction. I have always loved Somer for the simple fact that making your opponent discard their entire hand is just mischievous. I have two (2) requests.

1. can anyone list any changes to the gremlins in general since latest beta

2. anyone with experience putting Somer on the board in 2.0 could you please enlightened me as to how he is performing and if he still maintains that great fun but can still be competitive and not just wiped off the board by something like Lilith.

Thanks !

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First off, welcome to the winning faction.

There is a thread on the this board with a list of changes to the Gremlins between the playtest files and the cards themselves. Give it a look - there are some positive changes for Som'er players, most importantly in his cache and the Squeel! trigger on the basic Gremlins.

Som'er in V2 works as a mash up of V1 Som'er's summoning and V1 Ophelia's gunline control. Git Y'er Bro allows you to get more guys in (but at half wounds) and the spell Do It Like Dis allows to pass suits out to other Gremlins triggers (including masks, allowing you to cast the summoning spell much easier). There are other ways to control your gunline, such as Lenny or Skeeters.

Two must buys are Lenny for further gunline buffs and a Slop Hauler for healing. Beyond that, you won't want to venture too far from the basic Gremlin. Som'er is all about piling markers on the board and small bits of damage onto the foe. Not to say he can't do anything else (he can run pigs or work as a shooty solo character if Reckoning comes up) but with all the buffing auras/spells he packs, I wouldn't bother with much else.

Is he competitive? I'd say he should be the first stop for all Gremlin players wanting to do well at events, due to his knack for doing well in most scenarios.

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I'd do two slop haulers at most. If you take Can O' Beans, you should probably take both mosquitoes. They can engage enemy models to try and prevent them from walking or performing interact actions and then use Warn the Kin so you can shoot that model without dumping shots on the Mosquito. If it survives until next turn it can use Warn the Kin and then Pull My Finger to try and drop some damage.

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Thanks for the info,

that is exactly what i was thinking, run Somer, lenny, 2-3 slop haulers and then nothing but normal gremlins, its just very different from playing most the arcanist masters.

What appears to comprise the "typical" Somer list is:

- Lenny

- 2x Slop Haulers

- 0-2x Skeeters (I personally like them and take them)

- Maybe 1-2 Kin, depending on preference.

- Spamming Bayou Gremlins

I did have some moderate success with a Pig list against Perdita during M2E open beta. The Small Target ability on Piglets with Df: 6 really lets them tie her up relatively well. Jam with the Skeeters and Piglets while your Gremlins lay down markers. And this was before the Pig Feed upgrade was introduced.

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