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Hamelin The Plagued Ideas for M2E

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So my friend (SN = Noire) was talking about something we'd like to see with Hamelin when he is updated for M2E...and I thought the idea was so fantastic I wanted to share it with all of you (and maybe get an opinion from Justin :D)

So it would be cool to have his Rats turned into Vermin. This would allow for sculptors to change them to be different than just a bunch of rats...like you could have a pile of cockroaches and raccoons or something. I think it would allow for more flexibility and kinda address the fact he is a giant fleshbag of vermin :D

Thoughts? Justin, got any opinions?

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I seem to recall Hamelin himself as basically being a sack of possessed insects.

Not that what I'm saying would make any impact (at this late stage of testing or any other), but a variety of Vermin models would certainly make collecting Hamelin more interesting. Rat swarms, beetle swarms (flying?), the Mosquitos, possibly some variation on Canine Remains. Infected and possessed livestock were also in the third book, although not having read the fourth I don't know if that situation was ever resolved.

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