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Kaled's Wife's Malifaux crews


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My wife is something of an occasional gamer - mostly board and card games, but is also willing to play the odd miniatures game and has also started painting a few models. She started with Blood Bowl and her first models were a couple of teams for that, and then she loved the cute models in Puppet Wars, so painted those too. When my Gencon order was delayed last year, Wyrd kindly threw in an Egg Hauler and their random act of kindness has paid off for them as my wife thought he was really cute and decided she wanted a gremlin crew.

First up is the Egg Hauler that was the start of her crew...


Next is Ophelia;


Then we have Pere Ravage;


And a couple of Young LaCroix;



And finally for today, two Bayou Gremlins;



My wife is still new to miniature painting, but is learning rapidly. She spent a lot of time building the bases for this crew, with a lot of scratch built and sculpted elements (including the log and barrel on the Bayou Gremlins). The only bit I helped with was pouring the water effect on their bases.

Anyway - I'll open it up for comments and constructive criticisms. Hopefully you lot saying nice things about her work will encourage her to finish painting the crew and maybe she's also bring them to the club and learn to play the game.

- Dave

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I have been painting for 11 Years and still dont think i reach that standard, so for a "newbie" that is amazing work, keep on painting :)

Don't put yourself down Ozz your painting has gotten really good since you started hanging around with Pete and I. lol

And these models look amazing, very crisp with nice detail, made even more impressive because she hasn't been painting that long.

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Your wives Young Lacroix have exactly the same colored hats as mine... weird.

Solid paintjobs and my favorite is the John Wayne young Lacroix.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

...also great painting on banjo and I really like all of the bases.

Gremlins also inspired me to start making scratch built bases.

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