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Marcus Preview


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Holy cow!!!!! I just screamed like a school girl seeing these! Epic, beyond description.

Best Preview so far!!! TEAM MARCUS!!!

This shows how the boxes are set up now (Mostly). 1 master, 1 henchmen or whatever the ice golems group is called, 3 minions and a totem. Some will probably be different, but this is what has been shown in all the boxes so far.

Oh and taking a closer look at the pic. Myranda's hair matches the gorrilla's fur. So it could just a shape shifting form for her.


Edited by HoarcatsPride
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I've been focussing on Marcus in the playtest and it's such a relief (after the Justice scare =P) to know his crew will look so awesome, not to mention a far far better line-up than his original starter.

Myranda does look quite odd, but anything's better than her old model. Rattler and Cerberus look great. Jackalope looks amazing, and suitably adorable. The ape (must keep mouth shut) also looks brilliant. I love Marcus, and his crew looks so much more uniformed while maintaining the unique aspects of each beast.

I know which crew will be my first purchase.

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Oh and taking a closer look at the pic. Myranda's hair matches the gorrilla's fur. So it could just a shape shifting form for her.


It could be, but in the old rules, every beast was a shape shifting form for her. The newer art (Rules Manual, Book 3, Book 4, these previews) is very limited in the colors it uses, so what we're seeing could be a result of that.

So now it looks like instead of just the Slateridge Mauler, we have Slateridge (Dire) Gorillas, too. I'm hoping it escaped from a zoo or something because we haven't seen the jungles of Malifaux yet. Just bayou and badlands as far as the eye can see.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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a far far better line-up than his original starter.

Original box

+ Jackalope

+ Ape

Not surprising that it's better than the original, given two extra models and no other lineup changes. :)

Given the apparent new box set-up of:

Master +

Totem +

Henchman/Enforcer +

3 Minions

It appears that the Rattler, Sabertooth and Ape are "minions"

That seems moderately odd, given that I might expect those models (or at least the Rattler and Sabertooth) to be possible Enforcers, given their similar M1E points range and abilities, when compared to known Enforcers like the Ice Golem.

Interesting, very interesting.

It also says that boxed sets vs boxed sets are not going to be balanced against each other. I know the M1E boxed sets weren't exactly balanced against each other, but most ran around the 20 stone range (huge exception for the ~30 stone Misaki box). Comparing this box to the Lady J and Raspy boxes (21 and 23 stones in M1E prices) to the new Marcus box (23 stones plus however much the Ape would be) says that the Lady J & Raspy stuff must have gotten much more expensive, or Marcus's stuff got cheaper, or the boxes will have a wide range of points values. There's nothing wrong with this, but it is interesting.

As for the Marcus box aesthetics:

+Love the new Rattler, really really love it.

+Myranda looks pretty cool, though the angle make it look like there is some weirdness going on with her right leg

~So-so on the Ape, but I'm just not an Ape fan

~Also so-so on the Sabertooth. It's not the sleek look I like in felines and looks more like an angry mangy stray alley cat to me

~A bit so-so on Marcus, just because the pose appears to lack any action, otherwise he looks fine

+Jackalope looks nice, thought I do hope the head he's perched on is an option and not a required part of the model. I dislike bodies of opponent's on my models bases. I understand that's a personal preference, but...

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Given the apparent new box set-up of:

Master +

Totem +

Henchman/Enforcer +

3 Minions

It appears that the Rattler, Sabertooth and Ape are "minions"

That seems moderately odd, given that I might expect those models (or at least the Rattler and Sabertooth) to be possible Enforcers, given their similar M1E points range and abilities, when compared to known Enforcers like the Ice Golem.

No one has said that the new boxes will be that. Look at the Ortega box set....every one of them is a named character. The boxes will be whatever works best for that master...........if that means they get 3 minions and a henchman - fine, if it means they get 4 enforcers - fine.

Not a fan of anything other than the rattler....and even that is OTT. The Saber is disappointing....I was hoping for something better than the last one....this one is worse.

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I would love it if this means the cerberus and rattler are closer to five point models (or whatever that translates to in M2E). I've always thought the best way to improve them would be to make them cheaper rather than stronger.

And the ape is our first indication that factions like the Arcanists will be getting brand new models. We knew there would be new stuff for the Gremlins but it's exciting to see that everyone will likely get new toys.

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These look great to me, I really hope they keep the mass compared to Marcus & Myranda. I have always thought the sabertooth cerberus was way to small.

On a related note, it does make you wonder whether or not they are minion or enforcers and how this whole upgrade system is going to work. I can't wait for the beta!

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Do we even have any confirmation that this will constitute his box set? Maybe throwing the Ape in there is just part of the art. He might be sold separately, a la Mr. Graves and Mr. Tannen from the Dark Debts crew box.

I'm fairly certain the poor Guildy getting mauled by Rasputina's Wendigo won't be included with her, nor do I find it likely that the severed head will come with the Jackalope.

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Miranda looks like she is in the process of transforming as her right leg is strange and I would almost say she only has two large toes at the moment too, so likely changing into something with a Hoof. It might also explain the oddity in the left leg as well, with its size and odd bend. Not sure if I like the Mask but honestly this is a model that a close look will decide on.

The sabertooth cerburus looks less like a tiger and more what people think a Sabertooth tiger looks like but still different. That said it body very much makes me think of a warg from Lord of the Rings with the heavy forward mass and those high shoulders. Personally, I am going with this is an improvement on this one.

Jackolope just looks like a creature out of a nightmare now, more so with that large face and vaguely monkey like body.

Marcus looks more primal now and less the drifter on the edge of society. The bone accessories, skull belt, and more cavemanish face speaks of a guy that is less likely to be able to walk down the street unnoticed. Even his staff is more 'primal' with the less club lok and more staff as it has the skull in it.

Overall I am feeling a bit more confident with this then I was Lady J's box, though I really really do like the posture of the kneeling DM.

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These are all concept art, it may give us an idea of what to expect, but the final product may not look the same.

Also I think the artist based the Cerberus on a Smilodon rather than modern cats. I think its a good decision, the powerful forequarters would actually support three heads unlike the odd looking original.

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Also I think the artist based the Cerberus on a Smilodon rather than modern cats. I think its a good decision, the powerful forequarters would actually support three heads unlike the odd looking original.

Totally agree..........and support the Smilodon look........just don't think it's there. The 3 heads don't look right.....the shoulders are just massive compared to the heads.

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I believe, though it's hard to see due to the quality of the picture, that Miranda's leg is pointing back, and we're seeing forced perspective, again, poorly, but that's what seems to be going on. Similar to the balletic-seeming Death Marshal who has some leg-coat confusion.

That said...I'm floored. I've loved Marcus's fluff for ages, but his models and rules have held me back. Even if the rules are terrible I'm picking up this box.

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I believe, though it's hard to see due to the quality of the picture, that Miranda's leg is pointing back, and we're seeing forced perspective, again, poorly, but that's what seems to be going on. Similar to the balletic-seeming Death Marshal who has some leg-coat confusion.

I think you're right. I think that Myranda could make for a great model to have lurking in a tree.

Rattler is worse than the current one. Not sure if I like the Jackalope as much as the old one.

I do like the cerberus quite a bit.

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Do we even have any confirmation that this will constitute his box set? Maybe throwing the Ape in there is just part of the art. He might be sold separately, a la Mr. Graves and Mr. Tannen from the Dark Debts crew box.

I'm fairly certain the poor Guildy getting mauled by Rasputina's Wendigo won't be included with her, nor do I find it likely that the severed head will come with the Jackalope.

Mei Feng does come with the broken boards, so it's possible non-main model bits could be included. I hope you're right though.

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Mei Feng does come with the broken boards, so it's possible non-main model bits could be included. I hope you're right though.

Santana does have her corpse, but I'll concede she's a special case. Then again, alt Nicodem and alt Seamus have their own non-statted models clinging to their legs too...

Actually, I'd like more special bits and options, like Mei Feng's boards, minion Misaki's rock, Johan's base insert, etc. But the head here, as well as the one VonSchill comes with fall kinda flat.

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