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Working on Seamus crew

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Hey, so I ordered a couple of extra models for Seamus, namely Molly and copycat killer. I am hoping to try out this crew, I realise Malifaux is not an all-rounder crew orientated game but my opponent only has a limited model selection so I am trying to keep it a bit fairer by doing roughly the same :

35 Stone crew - 4 Stone cache


Copycat Killer


Bete Noire

Crooked man

Dead Doxie

Rotten belle

Thinking, between the belle, doxie, Seamus's synergy with belles and Molly synergies with belles I should have a fair bit of movement options. I think the offense should be good with Molly using her debuff to help the copycat killer to hit (making his flint lock much more worthwhile I hope). Bete is there primarily to add something that has decent offense. Could I please get a bit of feedback with what I am taking. One of the other things I am really considering is swapping out the killer for a grave spirit and bete for a hanged (he has a nice spell for molly to copy and is not bad in his own right). Trying to keep the list a bit themed with Seamus so don't really want to take anything totally random like an Onryo.

Problems I see with current setup:

- Not a lot of models (only 4)for Bete to spawn from (especially seeing as my opponent plays constructs mostly). This could leave me offensively lacking.

- Not alot of spells for Molly to copy (only worthwhile one seems to be crooked man's cave-in).

- Small cache for Seamus.

Tips heavily appreciated :)

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Some random thoughts:

Dead Doxies IMO aren't quite as useful as another Rotten Belle and 1ss. For this reason I never start out with them but summon them if I need/feel like playing them.

The copycat killer isn't as bad as people would make you believe but still the grave spirit is a rockstar for 1 ss. If running Molly you could always take both and see what ends up doing more for you.

One of the best things for Molly to copy is The Hanged's spell (I forget what it is called but it halves wounds and prevents them from being healed) Pop this on one of the twins to ruin their day. However this is an expensive combo at 17 stones to field both.

Seamus needs a good amount of stones. I wouldn't run him with less than 6 myself or he becomes really squishy.

Bette is a beast, just remember to save that 10+ card for her because she will be targeted with everything once people see what she can do. I will usually opt for bette over the hanged since he can really be gimped against high wp/ITI models.

Seamus' Avatar is a beast! if you look at expanding in the future you can't go wrong with it.

Crooked men are awesome with belles and generally good all around, just don't use up bette's 10 to cast their cave in.

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I would let Molly have the day off, take the avatar.

Not sure about Bete as she is a one trick pony, against constructs you may struggle without high cards and remember you do need to keep at least one.

Take belles, summon doxies. maybe try to get 2 crooked men in, I love em.

Copy cat killer is fun, worth it for when he does actually shoot anything, as for grave spirit why, what would it do ? Seamus is not dead so he cant use it. Although I heard some people link it to Sybelle.

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Mark for Death is not the burying spell, its the spell that makes someone insignificant and have to pass a duel at the end of the game or count is being killed in the encounter.

What he said.

I've had enough time playing Molly to know what Is and Isn't worth copying ;)

The ability to make things insignificant is one of Bete's best kept secrets ....and having someone with soulstones cast it ... :D

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I think that you may struggle with this crew as it - it just doesn't have enough offensive output, especially if your opponent plays constructs. Also, you have very few objective takers (mainly because the list is so small), and very few models to drop corpse counters. Also, with two soulstone users a cache of 4 is nowhere near enough.

To be honest I have always avoided hanged - if they were 6ss I would be on them like a shot, for 8 they have always felt a tad expensive (if I wanted to take a hanged I would just pay 2ss more and take Jack Daw). I understand you want to try them, but I would (as has been pointed out) summon dead doxys and take grave spirit over copycat killer.

Sticking within theme (as you said you want to) I could consider Avatar, Molly, Grave Spirit, Rotten Belles, Yin the Penangalan, Crooked Men, Canine Remains, Bete (if you get your model count up) and (because I think they are good for objectives) Crooligans would be a nice basis for a crew to be built from. Believe me Yin with the terrifying bonus from avatar seamus coupled with +2 armour from grave spirit is something to behold.

But hey, who am I to talk. You know your meta and why not try out your list?

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Thanks for the replies guys, some good advice here :) I will give the list a go I think just to really experience for myself what goes wrong with it so I can fix it up. With regards to the avatar I will definitely be picking up aSeamus but as me and my regular opponent are still picking up the game I will be leaving the avatars until I am comfortable without them.

Thanks for the reminder on the cainine remains though, I try to stick with models I have painted so once I have them painted up will give them a go. Got some Necropunks too which I am rather looking forward to testing out.

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