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2.0 New plastic box sets and the Order of Release

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On more then one podcast it was mentioned that new plastic box sets are coming for old masters (Pre book 4). How will the order in which they will be released determined? Why not have players vote (literally) with their wallets for which ones come out first?

Have a selection of boxes available to pre order, and which ever one has the most $ spent on it is the first one released then the second and so on. Is this a terrible idea or a brilliant one?

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I'm sure that the release schedule is going to depend more on when the concept art is agreed on, the sculpts created and approved, the prototypes created, quality assessed, and then initial order with the manufacturer placed.

Remember WYRD has a history of making sure quality control is maintained and have withheld from sale things that would have sold wonderfully anyway, when that quality didn't meet their standards.

Voting by spending the most money for pre-orders I don't think is a good business idea at all. What if, for example, that was done with the 10 thunders boxes and Lucas won, and then during the process the molds for his whip or the way the mold was created caused a defect in the sprue and it needed to be redone. PR nightmare waiting to explode, as the customers would have "spent their money to be the first ones out the gate!" and they their guy gets delayed and could be one of the last released.

Let WYRD take care of what they need to internally and according to their own schedule to get the models out to us. Trust me they want to get these to the market as swiftly as they can, but they also want to get it right.

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If wyrd done that it would be a massive mistake. I hope all book one sets are released first. We have saw the art for raspy so at a guess it'll be book one redo's first. I look forward to Seamus. I also believe the viks have been done as Mack mentioned briefly during an interview

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Mack mention Lady J as well.

It makes sense that they will sell them partly in line with the reducing stock levels of the metal box sets.

So really its going to be the best sellers first, which is likely to be Rasputina (we have art), Seamus, Pandora/Lilith?, Lady J, Vicktoria's, taking one from each faction.

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I think they will try to have as many as possible at GenCon... but realistically I think you will see at least Raspy and Viks.

What I want to know is if Tara/the Brewmaster will be out at GenCon...

I'm guessing that having the new new masters out will be a higher priority than the resculpts of existing masters. If they fail to get new Raspy to Gencon people still have a Raspy to use. If they fail to have Tara/Brewmaster out there's no model for them at all.

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I'm guessing that having the new new masters out will be a higher priority than the resculpts of existing masters. If they fail to get new Raspy to Gencon people still have a Raspy to use. If they fail to have Tara/Brewmaster out there's no model for them at all.

While true I imagine they have more than just artwork ready

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I'm guessing that having the new new masters out will be a higher priority than the resculpts of existing masters. If they fail to get new Raspy to Gencon people still have a Raspy to use. If they fail to have Tara/Brewmaster out there's no model for them at all.

This is what I'm thinking too, and it makes the most sense for us gamers imo. I'd rather be able to get my hands on exciting new characters asap than be offered the chance to rebuy ones I already own (which, personally speaking, I probably won't anyway unless they're loads better than the original)

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I'm guessing that having the new new masters out will be a higher priority than the resculpts of existing masters. If they fail to get new Raspy to Gencon people still have a Raspy to use. If they fail to have Tara/Brewmaster out there's no model for them at all.

It depends on on whether or not the new masters are included in book one. I doubt they'd release Tara/Brewmaster with nothing but beta rules to go with them.

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It depends on on whether or not the new masters are included in book one. I doubt they'd release Tara/Brewmaster with nothing but beta rules to go with them.

Book 1 has 3 masters for each faction. For the original factions, that's the original Book 1 masters, except that Somer is now a Gremlin, leaving Outcasts short one master, and with Somer and Ophelia, Gremlins need a 3rd, so I assume Tara and Brewmaster are in Book 1, being the third Outcast and third Gremlin.

Now, what is really interesting is trying to figure out which 3 Ten Thunders masters will be in the book.

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For a game going on five years, it's to no surprise they would rotate their sculpts out now that they have the knowledge and experience to create dynamic new poses and details :) Can't wait!

I don't think it's a matter of knowledge and experience. It's a matter of production volume. Plastics are a lot bigger up-front cost to sink into the molds and such, but modern plastic techniques give as much detail without having to worry as much about balance and mass.

However, that hefty up-front overhead means that new and niche companies don't dive straight into plastics -- they start out with metals to establish a market for their products that can support and justify plastics in the future.

Shops with a model that promotes a wide breadth of low-sales models never make that jump -- reference Reaper, who has been around for ages and does pretty well for themselves, as far as I can tell, but simply doesn't sell a lot of blisters of any given model because their selection is so wide. Miniatures companies that produce for even a modestly popular system can expect to sell more copies of a smaller selection, though, so long as the game doesn't flop.

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I think it would be nice if they did let us vote on the order or at least gave us a schedule of the releases so we aren't in the blind about how long we have to wait to see our favorites get new models. I am really excited to see the new models and will probably re-buy all my favorites and knowing the schedule would help me plan on expenses.

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I think it would be nice if they did let us vote on the order or at least gave us a schedule of the releases so we aren't in the blind about how long we have to wait to see our favorites get new models. I am really excited to see the new models and will probably re-buy all my favorites and knowing the schedule would help me plan on expenses.

Agreed, I prefer new Raspy, but if shes not out for a year Ill get old....

But again Wyrd do pull stuff for quality reasons (Oiran, The thunder) and half the forum erupts, so they may well not to avoid that

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The order of release doesn't particularly bother me (so long as there isn't an AHoffman-level delay for any of them ;) ). I'm definitely curious to see how Tara and the Brewmaster turn out but if I'm being honest, I'd love to see the resculpts for all the other boxed sets just as much.

A more relevant question to me will be which Starters are going to be available at Gencon and by extension, which ones will I be getting (which could well turn out to be: "all of the above")? :D

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Rathnard might just mean he's getting them via the Online Store during GenCon, but having him at GenCon would be a treat.

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

I don't think it's a matter of knowledge and experience. It's a matter of production volume. Plastics are a lot bigger up-front cost to sink into the molds and such, but modern plastic techniques give as much detail without having to worry as much about balance and mass.

However, that hefty up-front overhead means that new and niche companies don't dive straight into plastics -- they start out with metals to establish a market for their products that can support and justify plastics in the future.

Shops with a model that promotes a wide breadth of low-sales models never make that jump -- reference Reaper, who has been around for ages and does pretty well for themselves, as far as I can tell, but simply doesn't sell a lot of blisters of any given model because their selection is so wide. Miniatures companies that produce for even a modestly popular system can expect to sell more copies of a smaller selection, though, so long as the game doesn't flop.

Reaper also makes their own metal models in house, as that's a lot easier to do than to order sculpts and then have injection molds made for the plastic models.

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You going to be at Gencon, Rathnard?

Rathnard might just mean he's getting them via the Online Store during GenCon, but having him at GenCon would be a treat.

What he said. ;)

I'd love to go to Gencon and definitely hope to at some point, but it's almost US$3000 for accomodation and flights from Perth. So I think I'll need to save some money first!

Hopefully next year, which will probably be my last chance before Baby #2 comes along. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Book 1 has 3 masters for each faction. For the original factions, that's the original Book 1 masters, except that Somer is now a Gremlin, leaving Outcasts short one master, and with Somer and Ophelia, Gremlins need a 3rd, so I assume Tara and Brewmaster are in Book 1, being the third Outcast and third Gremlin.

Now, what is really interesting is trying to figure out which 3 Ten Thunders masters will be in the book.

This is moderately insane, but I'm going to guess that the Ten Thunders might not get their 3 masters totally separated from the other factions. I'm going to go out on a strange limb and guess:

Misaki (w/o dual-faction anything)

Brewmaster (w/dual faction gremlins)

Unknown new master (w/o dual-faction anything, to keep any other faction from having 4 initially)

I'm also willing to guess that Ophelia might not actually make the M2E book 1 cut, and we'll see two new Gremlin masters in Book 1.

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