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Holy poop, malifaux 2.0!


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That is kind of unfair. The game has been out for well over four years now. We're getting a needed overhaul in some aspects and a lot of new goodies as well.

I am just hoping that they release all of the character stats revised and edited via PDF once the new rules come out. This would make it for people like me, who have five core books at home (yes even 1.0) more worthwhile.

Or we get seperate faction books. That woudl work as well, in my opinion. One big fatty book with current models in it.

You don't have to convince me to invest in Malifaux - yes I have book 1.0 as well, along with every other book releases, the complete guild faction (except aHoff obviously) and well into collecting 3 other factions now. I'm pretty darn committed to Malifaux.

Just concerned on the additional costs for replacement cards instead of spending it on models and I don't want to print off cards myself as I can't stand inferior copies.

I also think it is a fair concern to have that a book will be valid for more than a year. Even GW don't phase books out that fast ;)

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two comments on having to buy new cards.

First, if we use Wyrd's business model of selling the Rules Manual at a very, very reasonable price, I theorize that the card packs will be a very reasonable price.

Second, as others have stated, you know what you are getting into when you play miniature games. New editions come along and four years is very reasonable lifespan... and when new editions come along a lot of secondary game play accessories have to be purchased, and cards are just part of Malifaux's.

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Another skirmish game I like (Bushido) recently changed their rules too and released new and imroved cards for the older models. Wasn't too drastically expensive (8€ or so for a whole faction pack).

I personally wouldn't mind spending 10/15$ on new cards. I would actually like to be able too. Plus it would give Wyrd more incentive to actually produce cards to buy, seeing as the online shop only has book 1 and a few book 2 cards up for grabs.

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two comments on having to buy new cards.

Second, as others have stated, you know what you are getting into when you play miniature games. New editions come along and four years is very reasonable lifespan... and when new editions come along a lot of secondary game play accessories have to be purchased, and cards are just part of Malifaux's.

I don't want to be picky nor do I want to be antagonistic - but my friend this is a false assumption that someone who plays a miniatures game will innately know that regular rule updates/changes occur.

I know people that Malifaux is the first minis game they have played and haven't experienced the regular reboot and additional costs that more experienced gamers like you and I have through other systems. Someone going into a FLGS today who buys a crew, the rulebook and maybe another book will not necessarily know these changes will be coming.

For the record, I am looking forward to the rules updates - and hopefully the first model released will be aHoffman ........ but that's for another thread.

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I can only agree. Newbies to the tabletop scene will not expect such an overhaul. I mean this is big news and M2E will change the entire game in a big way. It all comes down to how the company deals with these changes. Other games, such as GW tend to release a new codex, though they have preferred armies and leave out some more or less unpopular armies for many of years until a final, if even, update is given to their rulebook.

I personally would prefer a twobie book system. First book includes fluff and story line with a whole lot of rules. A second book would contain a list of all of the models and their rulings up to date. PDF cards would be a great leap forward as well.

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It was much needed. I had been begging for a 2.0 version for some time now, but Im still unsure of the radical changes that have been made. We shall see...

I am not really too worried about the changes themselves. More of how the changes will effect gameplay and whether or not all of the models will be updated on time. I wouldn't like to see people playing with M1E models against fully improved M2E ones.

Another issue isn't necessarily M2E related but more or less the models coming out. Book 4 contained quite impressive game changing models, but the actual physical models, their design and sculpts are just very different from the 'old' Malifaux. I just feel the differences between the two generations of styles are too harsh and will lead up to people playing with the odd out new model in a range of older ones or the other way around.

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With as well refined as book 4 models are, compared to previous books, why-oh-why not make them, with their wonderful ties to all of the factions, compatible with 2.0, right off the bat?

Depending on how much of a headstart they put into playtesting 2.0, they might have even developed book 4 models with both sets of rules in mind.

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

I am not really too worried about the changes themselves. More of how the changes will effect gameplay and whether or not all of the models will be updated on time. I wouldn't like to see people playing with M1E models against fully improved M2E ones.

Another issue isn't necessarily M2E related but more or less the models coming out. Book 4 contained quite impressive game changing models, but the actual physical models, their design and sculpts are just very different from the 'old' Malifaux. I just feel the differences between the two generations of styles are too harsh and will lead up to people playing with the odd out new model in a range of older ones or the other way around.

Can 1.x and 2.0 statted models even face each other in combat? If my models haven't been restatted for the format, will they even be compatible? It seems 2.0 is going to have a passing resemblance to the game we know, but it's going to be different enough (like various editions of D&D) that they can't coexist together.

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I am not really too worried about the changes themselves. More of how the changes will effect gameplay and whether or not all of the models will be updated on time. I wouldn't like to see people playing with M1E models against fully improved M2E ones.

+1 to this. If they're not rolling out all of the new stuff at the same time, and they said they aren't, which I really don't understand, then it makes for a bad situation. Number one you have to decide which version of the game to play, if they're not compatible, and then you're immediately limited in the number of master's you can take. So if you're only playing M2E games, then it's possible you could not be able to play any of your crews, depending on what you have, or almost as bad, only being able to play one or two. If all of your gaming friends are playing M2E, and you want to play M1E, you're left out. It's just a really bad situation.

My vote, and I hope Wyrd will listen to this, is to have the public Beta, then release everything simultaneously, either later this year or early next, I'd rather see it all together.

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It would be a pretty poor move on Wyrd if this actually went out that way. I could understand if they decide to not publish official changes on masters until things have been play tested properly, but we will need the changes. Not only to be able to play with masters people own, but also being able to put input on how well or poorly the master works in the new setup.

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My vote, and I hope Wyrd will listen to this, is to have the public Beta, then release everything simultaneously, either later this year or early next, I'd rather see it all together.

Yes Wyrd please go for a simultaneous release. I would happily wait for an additional 6 months or however long it takes to do a full release - not piecemeal

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I would just wait to see how things develop before getting scrunched up panties. We still have four months to go. :)

I can only hope they do not leave half of the masters out of the loop. It would really hinder people from even playing with each other. Not everybody owns a large pool of masters and models to play with.

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It's at most a 3 1/2 month delay from the release of malifaux 2.0. Which is going to be a bit annoying, but I am honestly glad that the book 2 masters are going to remain in the lab longer.

My question is, are we going to see a huge influx of plastic sculpts for everyone in the latter half of the year?

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From the sound of it by September, when most people will actually be getting the M2E book there will at least be play test rules for everything so you can play pure M2E if you want. The only time there will be some missing are during this first upcoming beta test.

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To be fair, I'm sure there will be people seeking a 1.5/2.0 game in a community that's only interested in the opposite. I don't know about you guys, but my Malifaux community extends to roughly 4 regular players (including myself) and 3 less frequent players (due to scheduling/availability). If I want to get some 2.0 games in and the other 3 are down for nothing but old school games, that's a problem, is it not?

Obviously it's not insurmountable. I can play 1.5. I can find other people to play against. I can ignore both and finally start clearing out some of my painting/Steam backlog. But it's not like this won't cause some friction.

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The first wave comes out in August. Public open playtesting for the second wave starts in September. That means you have ONE MONTH where you can't play 2.0 with your Kirais and Collettes and Dreamers and such. One month. Not a year or whatever someone else was stating.

If you really own zero of the first wave masters, well then you have one more month than the rest of us to wait to play 2.0, but your 1.5 stuff isn't bursting into flames on August 15th, either.

And yeah, if you want to play one game and literally everyone you know wants to play the other, that is a problem, but it's not Wyrd's problem, really, and it's a problem every game would go through if they have rules changes. What if all my friends wanted to play pre-errata Hamelin? Is that Wyrd's fault?

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To be fair, I'm sure there will be people seeking a 1.5/2.0 game in a community that's only interested in the opposite. I don't know about you guys, but my Malifaux community extends to roughly 4 regular players (including myself) and 3 less frequent players (due to scheduling/availability). If I want to get some 2.0 games in and the other 3 are down for nothing but old school games, that's a problem, is it not?

Obviously it's not insurmountable. I can play 1.5. I can find other people to play against. I can ignore both and finally start clearing out some of my painting/Steam backlog. But it's not like this won't cause some friction.

Funny enough, there are areas where the concern is the other way and people are worried about a wholesale switch to 2.0 and a loss of a Malifaux Classic community.

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