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Zoraida + Collodi boxsets, what to add next?


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Vodoo Doll is pretty much essential for Zoraida, and if your taking them together, primordial magic can be nice for the extra card, but not essential.

Then just any models you like the look or sound of.

With Z im a big fan of Nephilim, never sure why it just seems to work.

With Collodi, Effigys, brutal is my favorite, arcane gets talked about a lot but never to sure if people rate it much.

Again with Collodi, Stitched Together's are great although a little bit slow, and when close to collodi, they are even better due to their extra WP.



Vodoo Doll (summoned)

Collodi, 8

Arcane effigy 2

4 Martionettes 8

2 Stitched together

Above is a 30SS list with 5 SS

For 35SS add an effigy or a wicked doll and have 6 or 7 SS

You have the Marionettes for fast objective grabbers, or killing stuff by death by a thousand cuts, and then you have the stitched for Nuking a model down alone.

As is always said in these style of threads though, you build your list once you know what your doing, a general list rarely works for everything:)

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Arcane Effigy are 4SS cost.

Saying that, the arcane effigy works well with Zorida and the Avatar of Fate as well by giving her an extra casting AP.

Don't bother with the Primordial magic. Zorida prefers her Voodoo Doll Totem any day.

You can't go wrong with a Mature Nephelim in here crew so that is something you could consider.

If you get more games under your belt and find that you enjoy Zorida and here play style, and wish to expand. I can recommend Von Shil and Ophelia, both are outcast henchmen and work great with Z as a target for obey. They both are quick and pack a nice be wallop as well.


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I pretty much had the same idea making a swamp and dolls-themed list.

My models so far:

Zoraida-Box (I made the VD out of the 4 small dolls from the box. Didn't try Juju very much yet. Silurids are great for every goal you want to achieve! :D )

Collodi-Box (Did not try him yet because he's still unpainted...:(

2 Stitched (great for cover)

Insidious Madness (I painted it as a swamp-worm)

Doppelganger (unpainted...)

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Collodi doesn't need anything beyond his box set. Z needs a voodoo doll. beyond that one thing you have a huge range of options due to Z's flexibility. You really can't go wrong.

For purposes of maximizing options I'd suggest getting the dreamer box set (gives you another master option, stitched are great for the price, and copellius is devestating against the right opponent), grab a teddy and a widow weaver and a doppelganger. The brutal and arcane effigies are really useful as well. Some more wicked dolls are a good choice. Then just season with whatever catches your fancy. Maybe some alps, or the twins (lelu/liltu).

This way you have the option of fielding either Zoraida or the Dreamer alone, either one with Collodi henching, or Collodi acting as a master. Maximum flexibility for a pretty reasonable cost.

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