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So Nicodem, Yin and a Hanged walked into a bar.

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I just played a game running Nico, Yin and a hanged and I have to say the results were quite gross. Nico tosses up bolster. Yin gives the Hanged anathema and floats into the enemy ranks and possibly puts up gnawing fear. Hanged follows up by using smell fear. If your close enough use last words twice forcing a bunch of moral duals at a -1 wp. If they flee Yin starts putting down the pain with wicked disengaging strikes. Anything that sticks around is probably going to be taking additional Terror checks. The combo depleted my opponents hand so quickly he didn't have anything left to retaliate with.

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I had a 25 stone game with Yan Lo, Yin, and The Hanged against Nico with a buffed up Izamu....ended up crushing Nico and dropped Izamu in two easy turns. Yin/The Hanged is a disgusting pairing. Its so easy to make models fall back. Yin got paralyzed, so I 0 killed it with the porter and summoned it back into combat to make them retake anathema.....he didn't want to play another game against Yin after that.

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I've been toying with an idea for this list:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
7 Pool

+ Seamus, Avatar of Dread

  • Rotten Belles

  • The Hanged

  • The Hanged

  • Yin, the Penangalan

You are a terrible person. Consider adding the grave spirit for Yin and access to an additional terrifying aura.

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It'd be nice if Seamus manages to get some more bells summoned. Not only is having models in your crew fall back a little demoralizing, it's even worse when they're lured back into melee while still under the effects of Rallying, that is, if they get to disengage in the first place.

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