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Working with what I have with minimal purchases...

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I just got a crazy good deal on some used Resurrectionists but I am trying to avoid buying much more until this is all painted. I was thinking I am going to focus on playing Molly often, be it alone or with McM as she is my favorite character, and I don't mind gimping myself as most of my locals are 100% new. Anyway, here is what I have:



Necrotic Machine (incoming)

3 Crooligans

Rogue Necromancy

Flesh Construct

3 Rotton Belles


So, what are actual REQUIREMENTS? I don't need to max out and get x, it's better than y, etc. More so, do I NEED a Zombie Chiuaua or Grave Spirit? Are there any glaring holes in what I have available?

This is what I am thinking for a start, as I only need the puppy:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning
7 Pool

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

Molly Squidpiddge

Necrotic Machine [2ss]

  • Convict Gunslinger

  • Crooligan

  • Crooligan

  • Crooligan

  • Rotten Belles

Edited by Godspeed
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grave spirit is really helpful for Molly. Her slow-to-die use soulstones is amazing, and prolonging having to do that is helpful. however, necrotic machine is fine, just not worth the extra SS imo.

the usefulness of crooligans is scheme/strategy dependent. For defending objectives and interacting with objectives they are better suited - but i would take belles over crooligans almost every time.

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I might add some cheap meatshields like Canines, but that's rather a question of playstyle.

And a totem to McM, because the two choices (Grave Spirit and Zombie Chihuahua) are so costeffective,

Lastly, some hitting power: Punk Zombies, CrookedMen, Drowned... Your choice. Try out and see what works and what you want to use. I think this is a really good start.

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I am wanting to use him as a beat stick with Molly on the support (speed, and the occasional summon/totem nuke). I just got Izamu from an ebay lot, so considering this:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning
7 Pool

+ McMourning, Avatar of Athanasia

Grave Spirit [1ss]

Molly Squidpiddge

Necrotic Machine [2ss]

  • Canine Remains

  • Canine Remains

  • Canine Remains

  • Izamu, the Armor

  • Rotten Belles

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