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Yet another Zoraida Thread - Puppet/Doll Spam!


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In trying to come up with a cheap/effective way of expanding my Dark Debts crew, I'd been planning on picking up Collodi. In looking at some of his tricks and crew selections, I came up with a crazy idea and wanted to see if this sounds reasonable and like a good purchase/starting selection - problem is I'm only going off of PullMyFinger since I don't have the rules/stats for these models yet:

1x Zoriada (regular or alt sculpt, not sure yet)

1x Collodi box set (The Puppeteer)

1x Weaver Widow

1x Teddy

3x Wicked Dolls (on top of the Puppeteer box)

1x Voodoo Doll (edit - forgot about that critter)


The idea would be to start w/ Zoriada, Collodi, Widow Weaver, and 4x Marionettes on the table. This is right at 25SS w/ a 5SS cache.

Then the first couple of turns would mostly be moving/doll creation.

I'm not so much worried about the 'competitiveness' of the list as I am with the ability for it to fun.

Thoughts? Stitched Togethers would be a nice addition, but not a high priority since we've been mostly playing at 25SS (and I don't want to shell out the cash yet).

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Seems decent.

If you have a strategy that requires interaction, Collodi can deal with it in the first few turns, after which you can go chomp face with your new Teddy and Wicked Dolls;

If you have a strategy that requires killing, you can buff your marionettes in the first few turns while waiting for your forces to grow, then get a few alpha strikes in the late game.

Beware Supply Wagon, though, I don't think you'd be able to do a lot about it with this list.

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I'd suggest that another set of Wicked Dolls is a bit of overkill. You can quiet easily pump out half a dozen of the little boogers with Mrs Z and the WW, but it won't happen all the time, and if you're just playing for fun then you could proxie something else if you need more than 3 on the board and save a bit of cash.

As an alternative use of your money, what about the Brutal Effigy? He'll give you some range in that doll list, will help keep WW and Teddy alive with his healing, and also goes great with the Dark Debts crew for the same reason.

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Another thought would be to wait for the Puppet Wars: Unstitched box and use the puppets for your Voodoo Doll and and extra Wicked Dolls. I plan on using the standard Voodoo Doll for a non-connected doll and the Puppet Wars models for when they are connected to their respective larger version. The models are really cool alternates. As I already have the first edition boxes, the new plastics will be gravy.

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You have most of a list that I have been running lately.

I would really look to adding at least a Stitched Together for nothing other than Creepy Fog which if done early in the turn (like 1st Activation) can really protect the crew from a lot of harm (due to limiting LOS). Done for the first two or three turns you can really put the Summoning Factory into full gear (and the amount of "free" models that those three can pump out is pretty spectacular when they are doing nothing else and dont have to worry about being attacked).

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