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Baby Hamelin


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Always liked this model and have now finally picked it up.

Now I need to figure out what to do with him!

Maybe my search-fu is weak, but I can't find anything about him on the forum.

Anyone on here use him and fancy sharing what does/doesn't work for them?

I usually field Guild (and now 10T), if that helps with the advice.

Cheers! :)

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I played a crew with him in outcast and took 4 desp mercs, used the 1 DMG pulse on turn 1 to prep them.

Also I found the best 1 hot model to take with him is Rami. Played those 2 inaresserarmywithcrooked men, made opponent walk into the cave in markers.

As for guild I would avoid the perdita crew since you want the masks for him not perdita.

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Don't forget his other spells. Piper's Lure can be great to push enemy or your own models about, and potentially kill models that lurk too close too the table edge.

And Irresistable Dance I find to be one of the most powerful spells in the game.

-That brutal killy model your opponent sends running for your crew? Now he can't attack you!

-that little annoying objective grabber running around? Now he can't interact with objectives!

He can also be great at destroying corpse/scrap counters which some crews have difficulty removing.

And if you have decided you're taking Hamelin, consider if there's a Ht1 model in some other faction that might benefit you. Personally, I love taking Essence of Power with Sonnia when I'm including Hamelin anyway. It's ofcourse not worth it to take Hamelin for the sole reason of hiring a Ht1-model out of faction, but if you're already taking him, it's a great option that shouldn't be overlooked.

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piper's lure is one of the absolute most brutal spells in the entire game of malifaux, right below collette's bury spell with mannaquin trigger. 18 inch range, just target things near table edges or keep your crew near the table edge. With zoraida, you can cast this spell upwards of 5 times. It has a excellent chance of killing any model in the game not immune to influence that is remotely close to a board edge. Low WP models are basically screwed against this spell if you throw a 13 down for it.

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He is a great model that had a npe type stigma about him back in the book 1 days. Do not know if it still applies but he is a wonderful attack from a differant angle type model. Always liked how he has a zoraida type hiring ability in that any ht 1 model can be brought with him. I like this mainly for arcanist doll plus sonnia for essentially casting master as the additional ap for her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have used him quite a few times lately. for starters HT1 models still struggle against him. think some neverborn crews... You can take a HT1 model. Rami? a tot to grow if your going to be lacking some serious up close power or fast objective grabbers. Although the model has to activate within 10 of hammy. But pipers lure is the best. 2 high cards needed a one off your models close to the table edge. cast obey, charge your model (making sure your own model is out off range) and end up 4 inches from the edge, or you can just walk. then cast pipers lure and the big scary 10 point model is toast and you get 2 cards. great for things like line in the sand, Treasure hunt and others where you know something is going to be out near a table edge.

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