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First game with Collodi


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Man he is mobile. Played against Hoffman and a wall of armor that was immune to WP duels so I had to run a lot and just go for VP. It was fun as hell though. Tips vs him? He had Hoffman,Peacekeeper, The shield robot thing, the bat thing and the toolkit.

I had,

collodi, 2 stitched, 4 marionetes and 3 dolls.

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Disassemble is your best, best friend in that game. If Collodi is in range for it and your opponent uses just one card out of their control hand for anything, that's a dead model. Wait to try this until the opposing crew is done activating. This is especially great against high-value models like the Peacekeeper or the Guardian. A soulstone on the cast if your opponent's hand is down to one or no cards will usually be irresistable, making a lovely pile of scrap for Collodi to be dragged into by one of his faithful marionettes (and then away from Hoffman so it doesn't get detonated).

If you know you're going to be playing against Hoffman in the future, you probably shouldn't bring the Stitched. The only target they have in that entire crew is Hoffman if he doesn't assimilate Immune to Influence. You could bring along the Carrion Effigy to negate this worry, though. Barring that, you could always bring the Widow Weaver to crank out more Wicked Dolls or possibly even a Teddy if some scrap is left for her.

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I would be tempted to take out the watcher early, if I can do so without risking my crew.

Otherwise, stalling activations and bringing in up to 7 models that are fast and melee experted can take you a longway to killing any part of his crew without retaliation. If your opponent wins initiative and you are both on full crews you can stall with the 2 stiched activations, and if you want launch an almost complete alpha strike then (collodi, the 4 marionettes and 1 wicked doll). Or you can activate with collodi and a wicked doll, and have the remaining 6 models activate after everything on the hoff crew has activated.

the 4 marionettes and the 3 wicked dolls can potentially bring up to 24 attacks. Granted you will have to move, but if you are 8" away from the target you can still get 22 attacks. 16" can get you 19 attacks which should kill at least 2 models. And then you are on to initiative which if you win, you can wipe the rest of the crew with little effort.

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Speaking as a Hoffman player, if he is running a protect chain (and he should be) then you should focus on taking out the chain from the back - usually the Guardian, possibly the Toolkit. In fact you should take out the Guardian and the Toolkit early anyway, since they have the best healing options in that crew. Focusing fire on the Peacekeeper and/or Hoffman himself is a waste of time for as long as he is able to efficiently redistribute and heal the damage you inflict.

With the Guardian and Toolkit out of the way, the only healing ability Hoffman has for his crew is his own spell which requires scrap. In practice, he is likely to be able to pick up from his dead minons before you do, but if you can secure any scrap (possible with Collodi's mobility) then you should do so - far better for you to get more minions than for Hoffman to heal.

Once the protect chain is down to just Hoffman and the Peacekeeper you should focus on the Peacekeeper itself. If Hoff tries to protect it then he'll be soaking the wounds himself, and he can't keep that up forever.

The one danger you face is that Hoff and the Peacekeeper alone can churn out enough attacks in one activation to wipe out a chunk of your own crew (Paired CB 6 claws with built in Critical), so you'll have to time things properly. And don't forget to use Disassemble if the opportunity presents itself.

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