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Can Viktorias hire Ramos?

Hateful Darkblack


Can the Viktorias hire Ramos in a Brawl with Vanessa's Arcanist Sympathizer?

(I know that Ramos can hire the Viktorias in a Brawl as an Arcanist Crew; I'm asking if the Viktorias as an Outcast Crew can hire Ramos.)

The rules text seems to indicate yes, but Ratty's Crew Creator seems to indicate no. Arcanist Sympathizer says you can hire one non-living Arcanist model, and Ramos is definitely that.

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I believe it doesn't work based on the wording for Brawls. Masters are chosen, not hired.

Exactly. Ramos can choose the Viks due to Mercenary (I believe it is, not in front of the books/cards right now) but the Viks can't choose Ramos who is out of faction and has no special inclusion rules.

Arcanist Sympathizer is for minion models, so the Viks could take the Rail Golem, for instance, if they had Vanessa.

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