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Supply Wagon Model Ideas?


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Hey everyone.

Along with Line in the Sand, Supply Wagon has to be one of my absolute favourite schemes. I have played it a few times and it is an absolute blast.

However, now that I've finally reached my limit with models (I'm buying no more crews for at least a year) I have been able to get to work on my pet project of getting a table, terrain and various counters together for my games.

So, that is a long way of saying: Do any of you know any cool models that could be used for Supply Wagon?

I'm not necessarily looking for a wild west wagon ...I'd rather something that was Steam Punky or just interesting really.

I saw an idea for using GW Dwarf Miners Carts and I thought they looked perfect, but they don't seem to sell them anymore.

So any ideas?

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I'd suggest lookign in the Lost Love tournement thread, where there was a competition to build a Supply Wagon marker for your crew.

So of it is going to depend on how genereic you want the wagon, or set for a particular master.

I've converted a GW Rhinox for my Marcus supply wagon, and am meaning to make a handpump rail Wagon for a Mei feng supply wagon.

Edited by Adran
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I found a show cart on the Games-workshop website that looked perfect for a traveling puppetshow wagon. I was just about to pick it up when i took a break for a while. Still might pick it up. (though it might be out of print or something as i found it in the "classics" page or something to that effect)

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There is a "plague cart" listed on the Mordheim, "Carnival of Chaos" page under "Specialist Games" on the GW site, pretty hefty price tag tho. Think I bought one years ago, when it was a lot cheaper, and never got around to assembling it, its probably up in my loft somewhere.

Guess I have a reason to dig it out now.

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These are also perfect and fit on a 50mm base - I've drilled into the wheels at the bottom and put pins on a base so it can be slotted on for Supply Wagon, or used as some terrain. And at only £3.50 hadly worth trying to scratch build!

I've just ordered some more (of different styles) to use as small terrain pieces.



Finally, the Lost Love gallery including some cool Supply Wagons is here http://s101.beta.photobucket.com/user/clousseau/library/Malifaux/Lost%20Love%20Tournament%2017%20Feb%202013

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