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Jonas vs. Envy & amor sanguinis: "Mutton chops, m'lord!"

Jonas Albrecht

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A couple of weeks ago, I challenged Envy and amor sanguinis to a 2 vs. 1 battle. The rules were that I would field 35ss versus their two 25ss crews. They would be neither friendly nor enemy to each other, but would work in unison to take me down. The startegy was basically just murderball lastman standing.

The Crews

Jonas Albrecht: 35ss

Perdita Ortega: 8ss cache

Santana Ortega

Nino Ortega

Wastrel (Strangemetal Blade)

Wastrel (Petrified Feather)


Brutal Effigy

Envy: 25ss

Rasputina: 8ss cache

Silent One


Ice Gamin

amor sanguinis: 25ss

The Viktorias: 8ss cache




Everyone went for the 8 stone cache, and we all were anticipating different opponents. I was certain I'd be facing Lilith and Zoraida/Collodi, they were certain they'd be facing C. Hoffman. I deployed in a 12"x12" box in the center of a board edge, and the opposition deployed in the corners of the opposite edge.

Turn 1

Envy wins initiative, followed by AS, and then me. Envy opens by using Snowstorm to drag his crew towards the center of the board with Foul Weather and December's Command. Amor sanguinis spends the turn moving his models down the board on my left flank. My first couple of activations are spent biding time with the Watcher and Brutal Effigy. Then Envy walks his Silent One out into the open, and I murder it with Nino and his fantastic trigger, Trigger Happy. It shatters, hitting the Ice Gamin for 2 wds. Then I put a couple of wounds on Snowstorm. That model is a pain in the ass to shoot at. Rasputina throws out some cover in form of Ice Pillars. The rest of the turn is mostly positioning, with me dividing my forces between Perdita and the Watcher taking the left flank, and the rest of the crew taking the right flank. I also put a bunch of wounds on the Ronin with Perdita.

Turn 2

AS Seppukus his Ronin for the soulstone. Envy continues to use Snowstorm as a towing service, blowing my right flank back in the process. Nino catches the Ice Gamin, killing it and putting 2 wds on Rasputina and 1 on Snowstorm. I run my Wastrel (strangemetal blade) up to the ice pillars. Then... AS walks Johan right into Perdita's range and LOS. So she shoots him. To death.

Turn 3

Wastrel (strangemetal blade) Secret Passages to base contact with Snowstorm, and stabs her, killing her. The resulting shatter breaks down the nearby ice pillars. This exposes Santana and the other Wastrel to Rasputina, who goes on a goddamn soulstone rampage, killing them and the Wastrel that just offed Snowstorm, and then tosses out more Ice Pillars. AS sends the Viks back around the board. Perdita walks up to an Ice Pillar and busts it, allowing Nino to take a shot at Rasputina, getting her down to 2 wds.

Turn 4

Team NotJonas finally gets their **** together. The Viks companion and are able to position Sword Vik for a charge at Nino, killing him. I have the absolute ****tiest luck this turn trying to hit Gun Vik, missing her even with soulstones. However, Quickdraw completely nullifies Rasputina, forcing her to retreat from battle, and do nothing other than spend her last soulstone to make a healing flip. Brutal Effigy manages to put a serious hurt on Sword Vik, taking her down to just two wounds. Taelor gets in position to charge my Watcher the next turn.

Turn 5

Sword Vik destroys the Brutal Effigy. Perdita finally manages to kill off both Viks. Taelor demolishes the Watcher. Rasputina continues building an Ice Pillar house.

Turn 6

Perdita runs up the board and shoots Rasputina. Taelor runs away.

Of course, Envy and amor sanguinis claim that since I didn't kill Taelor, I can't claim victory. Sounds to me like grounds for a rematch.

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in turn 2 how did killing the ice gamin put 2 wounds on 'Tina?

if it was due to exploding then tina sadly was not wearing her Bearskin cloak, and was in the nude the whole time.

<_<.......>_> um.... it was at the dry cleaners.....yea yea that's it.:facepalm:

Tina quit walking in around in the buff!!!! :slap:

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Tina quit walking in around in the buff!!!! :slap:

she doesn't need to bother getting dressed on my account *grin*

btw, do raspy's ice pillars stay up from turn to turn or end during the closing phase? Link to a rules page would be appreciated. Mainly I'm just jealous because I didn't think I could build a whole ice house, each wall would fall down before I got the next one up :(

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