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I must have Izamu. But which crew should I use him in?


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Hello there!

I have been looking at expanding into ressers as I'm primarily a Guild player. I've decided that I MUST have Izamu, but my problem is, that I know little about how he interacts with the crews he can hired into. As this will be my first resser crew I am looking for something that is "easy" to use and fairly cheap to purchase. I don't want to buy 15 models to be able to play a 35ss game.

Any thoughts and general tips would be greatly appreciated! I've already read pullmyfinger and I find real experience a greater advisor than the general advice on that site :)



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Yan Lo, obviously. He never truly dies in this list most games, and you can heal him pretty easily. The totem can drive him around like a bus.

Nicodem can bump his stats, making him even better. He can be slow in this list, though. But you can drive him around with the Dead Rider if you want to go that route.

Kirai can make him a spirit, then Swirling Spirits him around the table with Night Terrors. Half damage then Object 2 is pretty nice.

He could fit in a Doug list, as anything can fit in a Doug list. He'd just be a little slow.

Seamus probably doesn't need him.

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Probably Yan Lo's then, you get the most bang for your buck off the bat with him.

For a simple Yan Lo crew, you could do

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Yan Lo -- 7 Pool

Soul Porter [2ss]

Ashigaru [4ss]

Ashigaru [4ss]

Ashigaru [4ss]

Chiaki, the Niece [5ss]

Izamu, the Armor [10ss]

The Drowned [4ss]

If you don't like the Drowned (Or don't have them), you can do dogs instead, or anything fairly quick for objectives. This list is just the Yan Lo box, with Izamu and a blister of Drowned. You can build it up from there as Toshiro/Yin release, or other Resser models that strike your fancy.

Night Terrors can do well as well, but generally go outside of Yan's 8 inch Chi range. But, sometimes you have to.

Edited by Mehter
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You could also go the route of Leveticus, if you happen to play Hoffman.

Leveticus can use your already in your collection guild constructs and can add Izamu to the list.

Mind you, Izamu is less effective in a Leveticus list as he has no way of speeding up Izamu.

AND Leveticus is one of the more diifficult master to learn to play well with.


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Seamus probably doesn't need him.


Why not?

As far as I can see Izamu fits nicely into every Resser crew, filling the gap of 'double hard bast£$rd' that they all lack.

The only master I would suggest that doesn't need him, but certainly benifts from having him (for an overpowered combo - which is asking to be cuddled in the future) is Kirai.

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Id say Nicodem personally. You'd need to buy his box and *maybe* a grave spirit.

The result would be a really durable list that uses Nico's paralyze to set up a crazy beatstick izamu.

Df 7 model with object 2, armor 2, AND Riposte... Izamu would be a tiny god.

Could you elaborate? It was my impression, that Nicodem needed A LOT of extra models besides his starter box?

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Could you elaborate? It was my impression, that Nicodem needed A LOT of extra models besides his starter box?

Nicodem is the most adaptable summoner we have because he can summon EVERY nonunique nonspirit undead we've got. With that in mind he can get really pricey if you want all options there. Going summoning heavy can be a trap though.

If you just run the box though, you have a ridiculously killy brick of a list where Nico will spend all of his time casting Bolster, Decay, and Paralyze. Summoning gets used only to replace the fallen punk zombies once or twice a match.

Is the list super flexible? No. But the smaller any pool of models is the less flexible its going to be.

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The reason I went with Yan Lo is because Sklertic sounded like he wanted a simple list focusing on Izamu. Yan Lo does this easiest, as he can bring him back, heal him, etc.

Obviously Nicodem is a great choice as well. But he has a harder time healing him with Decay due to Immune to Influence, although you can bounce it off your other models if the situation is right. And if Izamu ever dies with Nicodem, he's gone for good. Although then you have three Corpse Counters to play with, which he may or may not be able to use due to model restrictions.

As for Seamus, he's not a bad choice, just slow. And people can just ignore him at that point. If he wasn't Immune to Influence there might be a way to Lure him around the board all willy nilly, but unfortunately that's not the case.

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When I run Izamu with Nico I put the gravespirit on him for bouncing decay in to heal if needed.

In the end, Nico and Yan Lo both support Izamu in different ways. They can both heal him, but Nico will make him more of a melee monster while Yan can speed him up and resummon him if the unthinkable happens.

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As a primarily Nico player, it depends on his strategy. I personally love the Dead Rider for tossing Nicodem aruond, and Punk Zombies are my second favorite. With Bolster, Punks hit an amazing 9 cb, with Flurry too. Bete's also a really fun choice, because she has a magnitude of opportunities to spawn, and if close enough, gets 9 Df and 8 Cb with half an auto-kill trigger. Mindless Zombies (Probably 2 packs, depending on list size). And, the almighty Grave Spirit :D

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Sounds like Nicodem might be where the fun is at. What would a sample list be like Clement?
What's the strategy? :)

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Nicodem, The Undertaker
5 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Izamu, the Armor

  • Mortimer, The Gravedigger

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

This is the Nico Box, Izamu, and a grave spirit. It will handle any take and hold or slaughter style missions pretty well. Really anything that doesn't involve a lot of moving. Also be aware that Nicodem can be a bit fragile so keep him near but not in the fight so that he and the Grave Spirit can toss Decay around on themselves and on each other and you can get maximum use out Rigor Mortis.

Just link the spirit to Izamu and watch your opponent just give up on killing him. The crew can be a bit Masks hungry, so use your judgement if the mask should go to Mortimer for speed, Nico to protect from shooting, or Izamu to Riposte people dumb enough to try and hit him.

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That looks like a fine list mate :)

I already own some night terrors for my Marcus list, so can always add them to a movement strategy, and will add some mindless zombies and necropunks later I think :)

Thanks for all the advice, it seems that Nicodem would be the versatile choice, while Yan-Lo would be the "safe" one. I will digest this information and make a decision by payday :)

Thanks for the help



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If I could get myself to stop playing Yan Lo every time I play since I got him, I might know how Izamu is with Nicodem. :)

I know that Izamu makes opponents sad with how hard he is to kill even now and knowing that he would be harder to kill with Nicodem sounds very cool.

On the other hand, once he is gone, he is gone, so thats not something I am used to at this point.

But 3 corpses when he dies... For Nicodem, that is some cash-money there...

For a strategy that is going to be some smash-face killing like Shared Claim Jump, this is where my head is pairing Nico and Izamu:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Nicodem, The Undertaker
8 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Izamu, the Armor

  • Necropunk

  • Necropunk

  • Necropunk

  • Necropunk

  • Necropunk

  • Rotten Belles

The force multiplier of Bolster obviously just gets better with model count.

And while I do like Rigor Mortis... a LOT...

If you have the crows for it in this sort of list, the thing about Reanimator is that bolstered-defense summoned models placed correctly are sort of like Paralyze+ in that not only does an engaged model have to deal with them, but if they do not, they are hit back.

Because of Hard To Kill, Necropunks are 2 hits to kill minimum, so getting the enemy model to miss even ONE hit means they live another turn and since they give slow to engaged models when there are more than one necro engaged it gets even more difficult to sweep them off the board.

But obviously high non-crows are dropping Rigors and Decay bombs...

And then there is the matter of that Cb8 Armor standing there...

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Reanimator isn't the exactly an easy spell to cast (9+ :crows and corpse counters) and it still can't bring back the one of a kind (unique) and expensive Izamu or Dead Rider (who provides only 1 Corpse counter upon death).

At 20 stones for only 2 models that is a lot of eggs in the basket, especially since it will allow most crews to just focus (not the action) on removing them.

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Right, which is what I said. Still, I never usually have a hard time getting the Crows I need for it, so maybe I'm just lucky.

In any case, it's a riot to play, but it doesn't always work out. In one game I had the Dead Rider move Izamu up the 10 inches, then Izamu charged his 9 to Sidir, killing him Turn 1. With the Grave Spirit being halfway protected from both 50mm bases, I was able to keep most of his list in combat with the two 3inch ranges while Nicodem and Night Terrors did the strategy, with some Decays healing them, targeting the totem.

That game is just worked out, I know, but it's fun when it does.

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