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Do I have to activate a model? a poison question




Last night in a game, my Von Schill was poisoned by that Hag, Zorida. I didn't need to move or do anything with Von Schill, so I wanted to know if I had to activate him. I assumed that I would, but my opponent said I didn't have to. The rules imply every model needs to be activated. What, fair Malifaux community, is the truth?



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As was said by the others you do have to activate every model even it is just going to pass however there is one exception to this.

If VonSchill was Paralyzed then you could skip his activation and not suffer the effects of Poison (since you skip his activation and the resolution of Poison for the turn).

Source is from the Malifaux Errata Document page 4 (quoted for ease)

Paralyze Clarification:

When it is your turn to activate a model, you may choose a model with Paralyzed. Instead of activating the model you forfeit (skip) its activation.

Paralyzed models can be included in Companion chains. When it is their opportunity to activate, they are skipped, and their Paralyzed ends -unless somewhere along the way in that chain the Paralyzed is removed by a Talent or Spell.

Models which have Poison Tokens don't suffer Wd or remove Tokens when they forfeit an activation to clear Paralyzed as they are not activating.

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he was nowhere near dead, and I ended up activating him anyway. I just thought it may come in handy at some point during the game. thank for the rules check on my gut. I find it interesting that you can skip while paralyzed. Wonder why that distinction was made.



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he was nowhere near dead, and I ended up activating him anyway. I just thought it may come in handy at some point during the game. thank for the rules check on my gut. I find it interesting that you can skip while paralyzed. Wonder why that distinction was made.



It's so that you don't suffer a double-dose of poison when Paralysed. Imagine a Performer using her ability to give Poison 4 to a Paralysed model - that model would suffer 7 Wd before it got to act.

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he was nowhere near dead, and I ended up activating him anyway. I just thought it may come in handy at some point during the game. thank for the rules check on my gut. I find it interesting that you can skip while paralyzed. Wonder why that distinction was made.



Stirctly speaking you can't skip activating whilst Paralyesed. But if you have a paralysed model it forfits an activation to remove Paralyse. This for all intents, I think, is the same as the model being activated but as you haven't actually activated the modelm the poison hasn't hurt it yet. So you still have to use an "activation slot" to select that model, it just won't take poison daamge that turn

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