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It's not much different to highlighting, you just have to work thin and careful. A glaze of purple-black in the deepest parts, maybe. Work some of your darkest shades in again as a glaze/wash type thing, then hit the real recesses with that. Not too much, and not on anything so small you don't think you can get it in, but the larger (and more recessed overall, like under the head) areas would benefit from that extra depth.

If they're to be ice, then yeah I'd say go to white, but only on the absolute thinnest edge highlights. Ice is pretty glossy so you want a really wide range for your extremes, like you would with metal.

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You are purple to my orange. Jester lester! :D

Indeed I am, lol. What can I say, purple is awesome!

Honestly, I kinda want to leave the purple where it is...the Harlequins I want to be in darker colors compared to the more vibrant tones of the other Eldar pieces (those are going to be yellow, purple and green). Unless people think that a little bit brighter would be better?

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The bottom of the coat isn't done yet, honestly. I'm planning on painting that much more like black, but I'm not sure how I want to do it. I need to do some looking at how people paint mist on 2d canvas, then I can start on the rest of the coat. What do you think about the metals, should I push it more silver, or leave it as is?

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So, an update on the Jester for you guys, with a proper camera this time. The pants and base need to be done, but I'm quite pleased with how it's coming out overall, especially the trenchcoat.


After that, I realized that I never did any pictures of my Thousand Sons project. More putting these up to show off how far along my painting has come in the past year with blending better and detail work. One of these days, I'll get back to this lot...eventually.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so, here's an update to the ongoing Eldar project. Just trying to get opinions on the yellow. I like the smooth look it has, but it almost seems to be too subtle...anyone got any suggestions on how to further the contrast without starting over? Should I just go flat out to white, or try to revisit the shadows?



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...lol, no, not quite...still, thanks for those suggestions anyway. I'll leave the jelly beans for my brother's Tau, they are the kids on the block after all...

Man, now I want to convert a Farseer sitting in a rocking chair with a shotgun yelling at some Tau pathfinders on his lawn...

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