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Claiming the Bones - Feb '13


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Claiming the Bones

Mist was rolling across the graveyard as McCabe halted his steed by the foreboding entrance gates, as always Sidir was by his side along with the ever faithful Luna. Two of the Wastrels he had conscripted from the local tavern strolled up behind him swinging their canes nonchalantly but the final member of his crew was concerning him greatly.

Working for the Guild was all well and good but this time they had insisted that he brought along one of their own, a strange glowing eyed squat creature from the Witch Hunter division.

McCabe had never met Sonnia Criid but he knew of her work and wanted nothing to do with it, still the Guild were paying and if taking this ‘Witchling’ was the only way to secure his fee then so be it.

The mission was clear, take and hold the sacred ground at the centre of the graveyard. Ensure that when the sun sets no others are within reach of the power that will flow from the spot.

Huh, Others. In Malifaux that could mean anything. He buttoned up his metal shirt as the magical bridle on horse glowed. At his side one of the wastrels held a strange jar of liquid, an elixir of some kind and the other twirled as strange feather between his fingers.

McCabe readied his net gun, surely if he could use this to slow three of his adversaries and dispatch them he would have a great advantage. He was also aware that the graveyard was on the edge of Guild territory so keeping any threat from reaching the edge was a priority.

As McCabe arrived at the graveyard so did another. At the opposing side the sinewy figure of The Plagued leant on his staff. Nix, his beast of a companion stood at his side and 2 foul Rat Catchers with their disease ridden vermin lingered behind.

Hamelin had been feeling weakened recently, as if a force beyond his control had taken some of his power away. He knew that if he could claim the mysterious power at the centre of the graveyard for his own this would help him regain his strength, but to do this he also had to stay alive and conserve his precious soulstones.

Across the graveyard he caught a glimpse of a horse, a new foe he had not faced before, the rats sitting at his feet squirmed with anticipation, let the games begin.

McCabe seized the initiative, knowing he had the greater speed he ordered Luna along the left flank while he headed across to join Her. The every faithful Sidir ran behind him uttering strange words which caused a fog to grow round him.

On the right flank the Wastrels moved along out of sight toward the large tomb that dominated the Graveyard while the strange Witchling creature remaining hidden moved up toward the other side of the tomb.

Nonchalantly Hamelin walked up toward the centre of the board, the rats now unnaturally fast skittered around him. The vile Nix advanced quickly toward McCabe. And then a child was there, as if somehow drawn to the plagued by unnatural forces.

Seeing Nix in the open McCabe galloped his horse straight at him and let loose with the net gun missing the hulking beast by a mile. Screaming at Sidir for support the hulking Indian advanced behind McCabe at let loose a volley of fire from his machine gun, the bullets tore through Nix and felled a rat behind him, but another appeared in its place, what kind of foul treachery was this?

Seeing his chance Nix charged at Sidir, a foul aura radiating from his body. As Nix struck Sidir tried to resist but found he couldn’t, the aura of the beast was affecting him somehow. Unable to withstand the attack Sidir succumbed. However the bite was cursed, at first only appearing to do a small amount of damage to him the damage grew and Sidir while still alive was badly wounded.

Luna howled and all within earshot screamed and held their heads but this was not enough to stop the Plagued who advanced and targeted the giant Indian with some kind of curse. The would he had suffered opened again and as Sidir weakened further and the foul dog seemed to heal, as if feeding on Sidir’s despair.

Undeterred from their mission the Wastrels moved in the shadows round the tomb, almost using unnatural speed they seemed to appear a great distance from where they began, as if using some kind of hidden passageway to aid their advance.

The witching was more bold and headed to the fray emitting a cracking aura around him as he advanced.

The battle raged and this time Nix seized the initiative felling McCabe side kick with a ferocious attack, Luna howled again but this time the cry had no effect on the opposing crew. McCabe steadied himself and aimed his net gun, knowing that if he could simply dispatch three of his enemies this would go a great way to helping him to victory. He fired catching the Bull Terrier and rats in his net, he then leapt from his horse and dispatched 2 of the rats but again more appeared in their place.


The Witchling, its blade tingling with magical power, moved slowly to the edge of the battle while Hamelin stood back from the carnage and lured another child which he sent running to the battle that was raging. The filthy Rat Catchers spurred the rats on and they swarmed over McCabe biting and clawing.

Nix again seized the initiative and although slowed by the net emitted his foul aura and bit at McCabe, McCabe fended the Terrier off with his whip but still took a bite to the arm, striking back at the accursed dog he swiped with his sword wounding Nix but not killing him. The fates seemed to have deserted McCabe and he resisted the desire to use his precious stones knowing that The Plagued coveted these.

Then the Witchling was there, his shattered rune blade swinging through the air and severing the head of the Plague Dog, the critical blow was crucial. Hamelin howled at seeing his companion felled. Uttering a string of cursed obscenities the child in his path collapsed and was replaced by yet another rat, then Hamelin charged at McCabe.

Swinging his mighty staff and harnessing the power of his precious soulstones The Plagued struck McCabe. Despite cracking one of his own Soulstones McCabe could not resist the blow from the enraged Hamelin. As he fell the faithful Luna ran to the body of her beloved master and cried in pain, she would take no further part in this encounter.

Realising the prize was in reach Hamelin ran toward the claim, followed by a never ending stream of scum that would normally have no significance. The brave Witchling knew he has one task left to perform, protect the claim and prevent The Plagued from claiming the power for Himself, he ran the engage Hamlin.


The sun was now near the horizon and the power would soon be unleashed. Needing to dispatch the strange Witching creature Hamelin swung his staff striking the creature but the blow was not true and simply bounced off wounding Hamelin instead. The rats then swarmed covering the Witchling in a writhing mass of foul petulance. Finally succumbing the Witchling gave one last show of defiance sending out a burning pulse of magic burning Hamelin and the Rat Catchers.

Hamelin roared in triumph, the claim was his but then from the shadows the two Wastrels appeared. Standing defiant before the mass of enemies before them one swung his chain defiantly while the other quaffed his elixir. Searching desperately for the sign of the crow they would need to have a chance of felling The Plagued. They shot at the Plagued but the crow would not come, however this last act of defiance had salvaged the encounter for the Guild.


Then, as the sun went to set, the sky clouded. All looked up as the clouds formed into a strange shape resembling a playing card showing a number 12, the sun hung on the horizon and the power from the graveyard would not be released.

Seizing his chance the plagued commanded his rats to strike and the valiant Wastrels finally fell to the swarming rats. Again the sun hung and the sky clouded and feeling the power begin to course through him Hamelin dispatched one of his rats to the edge of the graveyard.

The sun finally set on the graveyard after what seemed like 8 hours of battle, Hamelin’s horde had claimed the prize, he had survived and was now threatening Guild territory. His power was returning.

25ss Shared Claim Jump


Strategy - 4vp

Scheme – Bodyguard 2vp

Scheme – Gather Soulstone – 0VP


Strategy – 0VP

Scheme – Bring Em Back Alive – 2VP

Scheme – Holdout – 0VP

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