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Looking to possibly start resurrectionists.Kirai or yan lo ?


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Hello I'm still pretty new to the game and was looking to possibly start a resser crew.I really like yan lo but he seems rather gimmicky. His paths sound great and all but seem hard to utilize properly. I hear good things about kirai though so I'm on the fence still. I was wondering if anyone could maybe tell me some of their strong points that they have noticed.Should I get both since they have some interchangeable crew?

Edited by spectre923
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Getting both is one way to go how ever kiraiz depends on spirits and summoning them. She will be a more expensive crew starting out as you will need the starter box 2xpacks of seishin plus a blister or 2 of other spirits (1xshikome 1xgaki) and the lost love is what i would reccomend.

How ever she has so much potential being able to move the spirits quickly around the table and heal them judt as easily. She is pitifull with a trigger that deals 2wds if the attacker fails the wp duel.

The lost love is able to turn non spirits into spirits and sacrifice himself to save kirai.

Also being able to hire spirits from any factions allows you to have such a wide and varied choice for your crew selection. Allowing you to take on all starts with the same master.

Ive not had to many dealings with yan lo so cant comment. But well done on deciding to get yourself a resser crew :)

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Yan lo does seem to be where I am headed.I really like izamu a lot and toshiro seems awesome too.I also really want yin I think her name is also.The one that is a floating head with trailing innards. I like the paths Yan lo can take with his chi but I'm really hoping it's not too hard to make use of them.Once I pick him up I think i will try him out against hamelins new rules.The idea of an elderly asian wizard and a diseased hobo stick fighting in a pile of rats makes me smile for some reason.

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Simple fact of the matter is that while Kirai's gameplay and general metagame is pretty well understood at this point, Yan is still very much an unknown quantity (we don't even have all of 'his' models yet). Preliminary reports on Yan Lo are that he's buckets of fun and a pretty capable master, but his overall 'power' is still being determined.

If both look interesting to you, get them both! Yan, unlike the book 1 masters, isn't super reliant on getting heaps of corpse counters. The counters he does need to resummon ancestors can be gotten from the ancestors when they die. This frees him up to take Onryo and Gaki if desired to round out his lists.

Edited by Clement
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At this point Yan is really flexible and half the ancestors haven't been released yet. Having said that Chiaki is an amazing support piece you'll get just by buying the Yan Lo box, and Izamu is widely considered AMAZING and is certainly worth considering regardless of which direction you end up going.

Edit: considering it further, having Onryo cast Blind to Spirits after Yan Lo has cast Transcend the Physical would be kind of mean.

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I'm currently starting Kirai (not new, but new to her) and I am amazed at the amount of models I'm having to buy. Seriously, part of me wishes I'd waited and just got Yan Lo, as he's so great - having tried him on Vassal.

Still, I'm having a lot of fun with Kirai, once I get Yan Lo I think I'll be pretty set for Ressers.

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They go really good together in brawls so i'd say grab both. and the get the ancestors for yan lo, you can use the bigger ones with kirai anyway. Yin goes awesome. For kirai outlay is 2 packs of saishen, At lest one shikomi better with 2. And the lost love. cause then you can turn Izamu into a spirit. Dead rider is good too. But with the those and the the 2 box sets. you will have a good start about the only other thing is punk zombies they always work.... Question, Why don't you think about starting with the good doctor, he is so much fun and realling great to learn with.

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Mostly financial reasons. I can go overboard spending easily.I'm more interested in the mostly asian themed ressers which ties the models together nicely.Everthing you listed are things I plan on getting eventually. I just haven't decided on the order yet.I really want to try onryo with yan lo and izamu.A brawl with them would be nuts and if yan lo makes his crew spirits even more so which is the eventual plan.

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