FearLord Posted January 20, 2013 Report Posted January 20, 2013 (Note: This game was part of our local Achievement League, and I played 5ss down for an achievement) My Crew: Misaki, Mistress of the Ten Thunders -Shang Ototo Yamaziko Torakage Ten Thunders Brother Ten Thunders Archer Cache: 5ss Strategy: Shared Supply Wagon Schemes: Save Face (Announced) Hold Out (Unannounced) My opponent’s crew: Lilith -Cherub Nekima Lelu Lilitu Terror Tot Terror Tot Cache: 8ss Strategy: Shared Supply Wagon Schemes: A Mother’s Love (Announced) Kidnap: Brother, Archer and Shang (Unannounced) Notes: For my second game with Misaki, I decided to stick with the same crew I’d used previously as most of it seemed to work pretty effectively and I was keen to try out Ototo again as he didn’t really get much of a chance to shine in my last game… None of my opponents models were new to me, but the combination of Nekima and the twins seemed expensive and meant his crew didn’t really have a huge advantage by the additional Soul stones he had to play with (and looking at his list, its actually 1 soul stone down, so really he was only getting a 4ss advantage). For schemes, I took ones I hadn’t yet scored in our league. I’ve played Save Face a couple of times now without getting the points for it, so I’m not hugely impressed with it, but I wanted to try it again here as Shared Supply wagon seemed like it would be hard for either player to score full points for (on paper – I haven’t played it very much compared to some scenarios). I also went with Hold out, but chose to keep it secret as he had quite a few fast models that could deny me the points at the last minute. My opponent announced A Mother’s Love, which would be pretty hard to do and would need Lilith to kill quite a bit of my crew herself. He also had an unannounced scheme, which against Neverborn always makes me think of Kidnap… Deployment (all directions from my point of view): We flipped standard deployment and I won the set up flip, choosing to make my opponent deploy first. He deployed in a tight ball over to the right of the centre of the board, directly behind a building that was close to the centre line. Lilith, the Cherub, Lelu and Lilitu were at the front, Nekima behind and the Tots behind that, with the Wagon behind the group on the back line. My deployment was more spread out with the archer over on the left, the Brother next to him, then a cluster of Yamaziko, Ototo and Misaki in the centre with Shang and the Torakage off to the right, behind a wood. My wagon was deployed centrally behind Yamaziko. Turn 1 I won initiative and started with Yamaziko. She discarded a Soul stone to use ‘Master Tactician’ revealing that his hidden scheme was indeed Kidnap, and the targets. My opponent started with Nekima who used ‘Growth Spurt’ and ‘Nephilim Heart’ to give the Tots ‘Flight’ and a mask to their Cb. She then walked twice, landing on my side of the building. Nekima’s aggressive opening move presented a unique opportunity. She would easily be in reach of Misaki this turn, but I decided to wait until my opponent had lost some cards, going with the Archer instead. The Archer walked forwards, cast ‘Yajiri’ choosing the ‘Watakushi’ effect for extra damage. He used ‘Aim’ to focus a shot at Nekima, managing to hit her for severe (6 damage) and trigger ‘The Arrow’s Path’ for an additional shot. With half her health gone in a single shot, my opponent cheated the Red Joker to make the archer miss. Lilith went next, ‘Companion’ activating with the Cherub and walking twice to the left side of the building, near to Nekima and cast ‘Illusionary Forest’ between Nekima and the Archer. The Cherub walked twice behind Lilith. The Torakage gave himself a mask to his Ca by using ‘Faceless’ and then cast ‘Shadow Stride’ to bury himself. The Lilitu double walked up between Lilith and the Cherub and used ‘casting expert’ to cast ‘Lure’ on the Archer, who was forced to walk towards her, but was still a considerable distance from the Neverborn. Ototo double walked behind the Illusionary forest, and used ‘Brace’. Lelu walked twice, ending up just behind the Cherub. Shang walked twice into the wood, landing near the far edge. The first Terror Tot ran up behind the building. Misaki swapped ‘Reckless’ for ‘Fast’ and walked forwards, before launching a ‘Diving Charge’ at Nekima. I used ‘Lucky Charm’ to change my starting card, but it was even lower than the first, so I ended up cheating in a decent Ram, triggering ‘Decapitate’. My opponent opted to discard the cards, but I still managed to get moderate damage, dropping Nekima to 2 wounds. I used ‘melee expert’ to attack again. I again flipped low, used ‘Lucky charm’ but ended up cheating anyway. It was worth it, as the attack connected and finished Nekima off. With nothing better to do with her (0) action, Misaki used ‘Shadow’ on the Lilitu. The second Tot walked up beside the other behind the building. The Ten Thunders Brother walked twice, ending in a position within 6” of the Archer, Ototo, Misaki and Shang. At the end of the turn the Torakage unburied to the right of the building round the corner from the Tots. His Wagon rolled 6” towards the centre, mine moved up until it reached Yamaziko, where it stopped. Turn 2 I won the flip for the initiative, but my opponent burned a soulstone to try and stop my alpha strike. Sadly (for him!) he failed and I was free to activate. With Lilith and some other Nephilim nearby and my Ten Thunder Brother in position, I opted for a large ‘companion’ activation with the Archer, Ototo, the Brother himself, Misaki and Shang. I started with the Archer who cast ‘Yajiri’ for the effect that granted blasts and used ‘Aim’ to ‘Focus’ a shot at the Cherub. This unfortunately missed, but the follow up shot managed to get moderate damage, inflicting 3 wounds on the totem, and catching Lilith herself in the blast for 2 wounds. Ototo used ‘Brace’ and walked twice around Lilith’s ‘Illusionary Forest’ to engage her. He used ‘Melee expert’ to take a swing at her, but she easily avoided it, triggering ‘Disappear’ (although he couldn’t attack again in any event). The Ten Thunder Brother attempted to cast ‘Martial Artistry’ but failed (the requirement for a medium mask seems to make this happen fairly frequently with these guys) and then used ‘Run Through’ to push around the forest, into melee range of Lilith. He missed the attack however, and thanks to ‘Disappear’, his follow up attack from ‘melee expert’ had little chance of connecting and also missed. Misaki used ‘Diving Charge’ to charge Lilitu, allowing her to bypass the ‘Illusionary forest’, the building and Lilith who were all blocking part of this move. She ended up engaged with Lilitu, the Cherub and Lilith herself. I cheated in a Ram for ‘Decapitate’ on the charge attack against the Lilitu. The attack flipped severe damage, so my opponent let her die without discarding cards. Misaki took a wound from the Lilitu’s ‘Black Blood’, and used ‘melee expert’ to strike at the Cherub. I flipped quite low, and was intending to cheat it down so I’d miss, but my opponent cheated it up anyway. I was then able to use ‘Your Mine!’ against the Totem, meaning that Lilith would find it hard to hit Misaki. I finished up her activation with a single strike at Lilith with the ‘Reckless’ ability (taking another wound), which missed despite another used of ‘Lucky Charm’ and a cheated card (my opponent cheated higher and used a soulstone). Shang was now looking a little vulnerable, so I double walked him back to where he’d started (behind the wood in my deployment zone) to keep him safe. Lilith chose to ‘Companion’ activate with the Cherub, and started an alpha strike of her own by using ‘Brood Mother’ on the Lelu to activate him next. Surrounded on 3 sides by my models, Lilith discarded a card for ‘Whirling Death’ to attack them all. Misaki was missed thanks to ‘Your Mine!’ being up on the Cherub, the Brother took weak (3dg) and he cheated the Red Joker in against Ototo for a whopping 9 wounds! He followed this up, by using his ‘Fast’ AP to strike Ototo again, and I could barely contain my glee when the moderate damage was insufficient to take him out thanks to ‘Hard to Kill’! Sadly, the glee was short lived, as the Lelu charged at the big man with his claws raised. He drew the Black Joker on the charge attack and I started to breathe another sigh of relief, when I realised that Lelu had ‘melee expert’. This attack was with the Bite and finally finished him off. Lelu used ‘Drain Blood’ to gain a blood token. The Cherub was in Misaki’s melee, but had to walk closer to use its shorter ranged melee attack, which missed her. My Torakage walked around the building to see the Tots, hitting the closest with a Shuriken as he did so, inflicting a single wound. He walked again, unleashing an additional Shuriken, but missed. He finished the move with both Tots in his melee range, but outside of their’s. He finished up by casting ‘Smoke Bombs’ blocking the Tots line of sight to Misaki. The first Tot walked to engage the Torakage and attacked him for a single wound. Yamaziko walked twice towards the centre of the table, just getting Misaki in range and line of sight to cast ‘Invigorate’ on her, healing both wounds. The second Tot also walked up to engage the Torakage, but missed him with his strike. At the end of the turn, Lelu took wounds as Lilitu was no longer on the board, but inflicted 2 wounds on Misaki with its end of turn ability. Both of our Wagons moved 6” towards the centre. Turn 3 I flip an 11 for initiative, winning again. Desperate to go first, he attempts the reflip, but fails again. I ‘companion’ activate once more. The Archer has no decent targets this turn, so double walks away from the action for safety. Yamaziko again heals Misaki back to full, then charges Lelu. She uses ‘Spark of Youth’ and easily hits, triggering ‘Sweep’. I cheat the Red Joker for 7 damage to Lelu (which kills it) and 3 damage to Lilith from the blast which he burns a soulstone to prevent some of. The Brother activates ‘Defensive Stance’, tries and fails to cast ‘Martial Artistry’ and uses ‘Melee expert’ to attack Lilith. He manages to connect, getting a lucky moderate (3) damage which he burns a Soul stone to prevent and the ‘Trip’ trigger which makes her slow! He takes a final strike against her, but misses. Misaki uses ‘Melee expert’ to attack Lilith, getting ‘Decapitate’ and moderate damage. He discards cards to prevent the Kill effect, and is forced to prevent wounds again. I use ‘Your Mine!’ on Lilith and attack again with ‘Fast’ but unfortunately miss. This was a big error on my part, as I could have pressed this attack harder, but figured as she was down to 3 wounds I’d be better taking two additional attacks. Unfortunately, I forgot about ‘Disappear’ and the follow up attack also missed. My final attack did hit, but I could only manage 2 wounds, leaving her alive with a single wound. With both of us completely out of soulstones by this point, not finishing her off could prove vital… Lilith ‘companion’ activated with the Cherub and was once again engaged by 3 models, and with only 2 general AP to spend (thanks to ‘Trip’) opted to use ‘Whirling Death’ again. He luckily missed Misaki, and the Brother (thanks to his ‘Expert Defence’) but hit Yamaziko for severe damage, killing her! Lilith used ‘Drain Blood’ to gain the first token she needed for her scheme. The Cherub tried to cast ‘Love’ on the Torakage, but he resisted the spell. It attempted it a second time, and this time managed to effect him. The Torakage used a ‘Focus’ strike against the wounded Tot, inflicting 3 wounds on him, but taking one himself from ‘Black Blood’. He again cast ‘Smoke Bombs’ between the Tots and Misaki. The unwounded Tot used a ‘Focus’ strike on the Torakage, getting the ‘Flay’ trigger and reducing the ninja to a single wound. Shang repositioned again, coming forwards to stand behind the building to jump into the Tots if needed. The final Tot attacked the Torakage twice, missing the first attack, but killing him (and using ‘Drain Blood’) on the second. At the end of the turn, but Wagon moves so its within 3” of the centre, his stops when it touches the Cherub. Turn 4 I lose the initiative, and neither of us can do anything about it! Lilith activates first, ‘companioning’ with the Cherub. She uses her first attack to kill the Ten Thunder Brother, whose ‘companion’ ability had caused such annoyance throughout the game, using ‘Drain Blood’ for her second token. She used her second attack to hit and wound my wagon (now that it wasn’t in a friendly model’s melee range) and then used her final attack against Misaki, hitting for moderate (4) damage and getting her trigger to cycle cards. The Cherub tried and failed to get Misaki with ‘Love’ and then missed her in melee. Misaki easily killed Lilith with her ‘melee expert’ attack as she still had the benefit of ‘Your Mine!’. At this point, we made a rules mistake and forgot to remove the Cherub, who Misaki killed with her next attack. She then chose to use ‘Reckless’ (taking her down to 5 wounds) and ‘Diving Charge’ the undamaged Terror Tot, killing it with a ‘Decapitate’ trigger. As the surviving Tot had identical Df and wounds to the Cherub, with the same cards I should have been able to wipe him out at this point, leaving me plenty of time to win the game 6 – 1 by destroying his wagon. As it was, the surviving Tot walked up to Misaki and got a lucky moderate damage with the ‘Flay’ trigger dealing just enough wounds to kill her and use ‘Drain Blood’. It was as I reached to take Shang off the board (as his connected master had been killed) that I realised the mistake we’d made with the Cherub. It was a second later that I realised with a sickening feeling that I could no longer win the game. My remaining model (the archer) could neither prevent the enemy wagon from getting with 3” of the Centre of the table (as he was too far away) or damage it (since you need to be able to inflict at least 4 damage with a melee attack). This meant that I was unable to stop him scoring full points for the strategy, which in turn would mean that I wouldn’t score any points for Save Face… While he could theoretically increase the margin he could win by (by killing the Archer, getting into my deployment zone or destroying my wagon) there was no way, even if the archer killed the Tot for me to reduce his score or increase mine, so we called it there, with my Archer doing very little and both Wagons reaching the centre of the table at the end of the turn… Final Score: Me: 2VP – Wagon with 3” of centre of table 0VP – Didn’t damage enemy Wagon 0VP – My Wagon damaged 1VP – No Enemies in deployment zone 0VP – Opponent scored full points for Strategy 3VP Total My opponent: 2VP – Wagon with 3” of centre of table 1VP – Damaged enemy Wagon 1VP – Wagon undamaged 1VP – Shang and Ten Thunder Brother no longer in play 0VP – Lilith didn’t get 4 Blood Tokens 5VP Total Victory for Lilith! 5 – 3! Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… In a game that I’d basically dominated to lose at the last second, and in slightly dodgy circumstances was a little galling, but I elected to continue the game (and let the result stand rather than argue back to some kind of rewind) mostly as a lesson to myself about keeping focused on the objectives. While removing the Cherub when Lilith died probably would have meant I’d have had the cards to kill both Tots and win the game that way, it would have been a simple matter for Misaki to wound the Wagon once instead of going after the Tots and then keep away until she had a better chance to strike. This would have meant the Tots would have had to come and kill Misaki in order to win and would have exposed themselves to the archer’s fire… Never mind, it was still a great game where I was able to play extremely aggressively, despite starting 5 points down and it was another chance to see just how effective Misaki is. She’s certainly a model that an opponent has to respect as she should be ignored at your peril. Once again the Archer, Ten Thunder Brother and the Torakage all proved their worth, providing me with some excellent utility abilities. Yamaziko was also great, especially in turn 3 where she healed Misaki 2 wounds, killed Lelu and splashed some damage on Lilith! Once again, Ototo didn’t really do much, but once again he was concentrated on by a powerful melee master who would not have wanted him to get another activation… I’ve still yet to really see what he can do (other than get beaten up by powerful melee models), but so far I’m not as impressed with him as I was when I was testing Kang with Mei Feng. While for Mei Feng, I’ve switched to the Rail Golem, I’m excited to use Kang with Misaki a bit to see if he gels better with her… Shang was also not really worth his points in this game, really only flying around with no where to go. I used ‘Lucky Charm’ three times, but both times ended up with a lower card than I started with… I love the model though, so I’m going to continue to play him for now. I was once again very unimpressed by Nekima, so I’m looking forward to seeing what the promised errata brings her as I do think she needs something to justify her points cost. My opponent was far too aggressive with her in this game, but she would have been incredibly vulnerable to Misaki in any event… Quote
icarianmirror Posted January 22, 2013 Report Posted January 22, 2013 Wow, even though victory was snatched from you at the last moment, this was a great battle to read:-D Misaki sounds like a really scary Master and crew to go up against, even for a powerhouse like Lilith. Quote
i_was_like_you Posted January 22, 2013 Report Posted January 22, 2013 Once again, Ototo didn’t really do much, but once again he was concentrated on by a powerful melee master who would not have wanted him to get another activation… I’ve still yet to really see what he can do (other than get beaten up by powerful melee models), but so far I’m not as impressed with him as I was when I was testing Kang with Mei Feng. While for Mei Feng, I’ve switched to the Rail Golem, I’m excited to use Kang with Misaki a bit to see if he gels better with her… Shang was also not really worth his points in this game, really only flying around with no where to go. I used ‘Lucky Charm’ three times, but both times ended up with a lower card than I started with… I love the model though, so I’m going to continue to play him for now. I was once again very unimpressed by Nekima, so I’m looking forward to seeing what the promised errata brings her as I do think she needs something to justify her points cost. My opponent was far too aggressive with her in this game, but she would have been incredibly vulnerable to Misaki in any event… I've only seen Ototo in action once. My buddy Eric used it to squash my Witchling Stalker, which killed his Archer. Other than that, we didn't get to see him shine. Kang, on the other hand, with his heal the turn number of wounds each turn made him go quite well with Jakob Lynch when I had the Hungering Darkness start the game in play. Gave Kang perma-brilliance and used him as a food source until I got HD into range of my opponent's models to start snacking on them. There are just so many good 8 & 9ss models to choose from for 10T itself, and even more when having them play as their infiltrated faction. Quote
FearLord Posted January 22, 2013 Author Report Posted January 22, 2013 @icarianmirror - she's certainly a massive threat. I've really been enjoying her deadly hitting power and movement abilities. The real trick with Misaki is keeping her safe from retaliation and the best way I've found to do that is by using 'Your Mine!' on a weaker target as I did in this game - it's also her best offensive buff as well though, so timing is very important! @I_was_like_you - yeah, I've had no complaints about Kang, playing him with Mei, but I've dropped him in favour of the Rail Golem in most of my recent lists as Rail Walker is pretty key when I've been playing her, so an extra target for that is always good... Kang is great with both Misaki and Yamaziko though, so I'm enjoying them all in a list together - see my Misaki Vs Lynch battle report for my first test of Kang with Misaki... Quote
Mehter Posted January 22, 2013 Report Posted January 22, 2013 I've had good luck with Ototo, you just need to keep him clear of the melee masters with Torakages, if needed. In a smiliar Misaki vs. Lilith game, he managed to take out two Matures in two turns, with healing from himself and Yamaziko. Good write up. Quote
13th Warrior Posted January 23, 2013 Report Posted January 23, 2013 I was then able to use ‘Your Mine!’ against the Totem, meaning that Lilith would find it hard to hit Misaki. I finished up her activation with a single strike at Lilith ... Lilith discarded a card for ‘Whirling Death’ to attack them all. Misaki was missed thanks to ‘Your Mine!’ being up on the Cherub It looks like this was another rule mistake I'm afraid - "You're Mine" on the Cherub should have ended when Misaki targetted Lilith: You're Mine...This Action ends when this model targets a different model... Rob Quote
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