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Hamelin Hires


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SO he can hire any Ht1, Insignificant or Soulless model.

What I am wondering, is does anybody take advantage of this?

How? Why?

I was thinking of doing a "Children's Crusade" style Hamelin list, with as many child or child-like models as I can get.

So, Stolen, Kade, Candy, Malifaux Child, maybe Crooligans, even Alps. (I know they are not children, but they are small).

But separate from my themed list, what do you take outside of Hamelin's "usual" hires and why?

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Not a hamelin player (well, now that he's been fixed...) but I wonder:

Maybe the nephilim 'child' can be hired...and maybe they can grow during play, too. Considering you can actually kill a couple of your models to get blood tokens it might work.

Rusty alice should be soulless and hireable, unless she has some restrictions. She's a good shooter (with headshot!).

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Terror tots used to be common, as it was easy to get blood to grow with them. How this will change now "They're just Rats" is to be seen. There is probably enough other things that you can kill to become rats to get enough counters to make this still viable

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Not a hamelin player (well, now that he's been fixed...) but I wonder:

Maybe the nephilim 'child' can be hired...and maybe they can grow during play, too. Considering you can actually kill a couple of your models to get blood tokens it might work.

Rusty alice should be soulless and hireable, unless she has some restrictions. She's a good shooter (with headshot!).

Rusty can only be hired by scavengers.

Tots aren't as good as they used to be, due to "They're Just Rats". But might still be worth it.

Any other tips out there?

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We recently discussed the idea of Crooligans on the boards here, just after the errata. I thought Ratty and the OP made good points. The OP thought Crooligans would be nice because of their Creepy talent (-1 WP inside 6" I think) and The Fog putting your crew into cover for their advance.

I very much liked both of those ideas... but it was pointed out that The Fog requires a high-ish card (8 maybe) to get off and the Hamelin crew doesn't exactly cycle cards well.

Ratty then made the point that Crooligans get better the more you have, he named three as a break point from okay to good. But with the Special Force restriction and no other way to summon in more, they may never truely shine in a Hamelin crew.

And I do see what Ratty is saying...

Assuming you are not using an Effigy, I think the Obedient Wretch is much more suited than the Malifaux Child...

I am going to try Candy (when I get my EBO Lizzie version) because she also attacks WP which can really be helped with the new "Get them off me!" from the rats. She may be a little high in SS but Hamelin could afford it against certain enemy crews.

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with the change of bully to ruffian you can now have candy or the brutal effigy give hamelin a healing flip or have the arcane effigy give him an extra casting ap.

for totems the best ones are either the wretch or the primordial magic. there are also night terrors or canine remains which are fast models for objectives

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to try him with 2 tots/night terrors and/or alps as lucidicide had suggested in a different thread. I was leery about the new alp damage but with blight counters on models and the slow effect they seem pretty reasonable and they only cost a stone over a rat. I used a sorrow in one game before the rules changed and I don't see why not to bring one now.

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