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A fairy and her dragon


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Guess I'm gonna have to add your name to my list of painting heros and gods,... *grin*

Ooh, thanks. That's actually been one of my life long dreams.

One thing I'd like to mention is that Janci really stepped up the photography with this one. This background is a new one, and in the past we haven't gotten dark backgrounds to work (we had to fiddle with the settings and lighting before the mini wasn't being washed out). I'll be using this background again the next time I paint some minis that would look better without the sky blue backdrop.

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I never could get those smooth color transitions. Mine always end up with a "step" between one layer of color and another, no matter how thin I try to make the paint. Some day I'm gonna be able to sit down with one of you guys and watch you as you do it. I've had several people try to explain it to me over the internet, but reading about it and watching it in progress are two different things.

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I never could get those smooth color transitions. Mine always end up with a "step" between one layer of color and another, no matter how thin I try to make the paint. Some day I'm gonna be able to sit down with one of you guys and watch you as you do it. I've had several people try to explain it to me over the internet, but reading about it and watching it in progress are two different things.

These transitions were mostly done using two brush blending- I believe there is a youtube video of either Ali or Mike McVey showing off the technique. I had a hard time with people explaining it until I watched Matt DiPietro use it at the Ace of Aces (Gencon).

I really like this technique, and will definitely keep using it.

I...wow. O.O That is, quite simply, gorgeous. Thanks for posting!

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

If I may...how'd you do the makeup on her face?

The lips were lined first- I took a dark color (I think this was Reaper's Burgandy Wine) and painted on where the lipstick should be. After that, I highlighted up the lower lip and finished it off with a dot of white to represent a reflection.

The lining on the lips allows you to alter her expression a little- you can make it curve up or down on the edges to create a smile, smirk, frown etc.

The eyeshadow was done by mixing a dark-ish purple with the flesh tone. This was darkest right above the eye, then blended out into the flesh color from there.

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