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How do you purchase an Avater?




A simple question - but one I cannot see clearly explained in the rules to my satisfaction. The recent thread about Avatars reminded me about this, when attaching an avatar do you:

purchase your gang, get your soulstone pool then reduce this by 2 because you have attached an Avater to your master? Meaning your maximum soulstone pool is actually 6.


create your gang and 'purchase' your Avatar like any other model. Hence meaning you could have an 8 stone Soulstone pool if you wished?


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You go you your local gaming store throw money at them while picking out the most Bad-ass looking avatar you can find. (or kinky with miss tentacle porn). then the cashier/staff member will promptly congratulate you on your purchase of awesomeness.

in the words of Optimus Prime "Troll Out" (please don't kill me)

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