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Is this worth trying out?


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I haven't worked on a final list yet,just going on the models I like...

I want it to look something like this:

Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Viktoria -- 6 Pool

+ Viktorias, Avatars of Slaughter [2ss]

Von Schill [9ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Killjoy [11ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]


Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Viktoria -- 8 Pool

+ Viktorias, Avatars of Slaughter [2ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Freikorps Librarian [7ss]

Killjoy [11ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

far from perfect,I know,but interested in hearing what everybody thinks??



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The two major problems with those lists are model count and the fact that your only reasonable killjoy delivery is the desperate merc. Unless you expect to be sacrificing the ronin to bring him in which would be absurd. Since the desperarte merc is not slow to die all your opponent has to do is take that one model out from a distance and there goes your 2 stone delivery of killjoy.

The best crews to run killjoy are with Ressers and a Neverborn crew with collodi. Additionally, crews with obey are going to give you fits turning your killjoy against you. They can also place killjoy in a spot where your own model are charged by his Blood Price.

At the 40 stone level your opponents are going to have twice the models you have. Try it out and let us know :)

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Killjoy works just fine in a Leveticus crew, if you're keen to stay with the Outcasts. He has access to Necropunks, which are Killjoy's best delivery mechanism.

If you're dead-set on taking him with the Viks, try replacing the Ronin and Merc in the first list with three Friekorpsmen. If you keep them close to Von Schill they get Slow to Die (basically essential for Killjoy delivery) and they're way more resilient than Mercs (and Ronin for that matter).

Just bear in mind that Killjoy is more for fun than for winning games - it's good times when he gets stuck in and murders all the things, but he can be dropped with a bit of effort, or avoided and made to punish his own crew. Remember to make the "ROARGH" noise when he charges (and the nom-nom noises when he eats people) and you won't go far wrong.

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Another option if you want to stick with the Vicki group;

Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Viktoria -- 6 Pool

+ Viktorias, Avatars of Slaughter [2ss]

Von Schill [9ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Killjoy [11ss]

Friekorpsman [4ss]

Friekorpsman [4ss]

This gives you 2 desperate mercs for a delivery or the slow to die action from a Friekorpsman. Or take out one of the Friekorpsman and go with 4 desperate mercs for a higher model count.

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Killjoy is great fun and perfectly reasonable in a tournament/serious setting. You DO need to make sure you have a good way of getting him out and he does need support so tends to work better in crews that have cheap quick models. (so people that can summon free models are especially good at this.)

Killjoy can cause a real headache for people who are unprepared for him, and don't worry about blood price as you can always cheat his to hit flip down with a low card from your hand so he should never actually hit your own team.

He is prone to being obeyed which is bad news, but can also be good news for example a 40ss list could be:

Vicks +avatar - 7ss Pool

Killjoy - 11ss

johan - 6ss

convict gunslinger (or ronin if you prefer) - 5ss

Hamelin the ratcatcher - 9ss

Now johan has slow to die as standard so makes a great killjoy delivery system except he is slow...hello mr Hamelin how can obey johan twice in a turn to move an extra 8" who can then move 8" in his turn and if he dies summon killjoy who can then go another 8" or so and make a swipe or two giving you a massive movement on turn 1. In fact so large you might overstretch him, so better to try and get him out on turn 2.

Hamelin can then double obey killjoy to his hearts content whilst making it so his opponents can't even hit back.

The viks can make use of the distraction to do what they do best and kill stuff (usually the stuff that killjoy finds too hard to deal with himself like soulstone users.) and convict gunslinger gives you some ranged potential and some nasty triggers.

All in all it is a very, very small model count but with a safe, quick killjoy delivery and some interesting potential even if the big guy dies.

See what else you can come up with, because if you love killjoy and the vics see what works for you. (and let me know as they are some of my favourite models too.)

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