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What kind of fate deck do you use?


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I use the puppet deck. I've heard people complain that it's difficult to read (particularly suits I think), but I find the retro deck near impossible to read. This may just be because, as a puppet wars player, I've got used to the puppet deck and it's artistic faction symbols, and I'm not used to the "classic" faction symbols, but there you go.

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Have tried the retro deck, but the cards are so "slippery" that they tend to fly all over the place when I want to shuffle them.


I still use it though, especially when playing Lynch.

Besides that, I've got two puppet decks I use. Can't find anything wrong with'em, has always been easy to read in my eyes.

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Got retro deck a couple weeks ago and after fumbling with it for a bit, we have an understanding now and I love it. Prior to that had used cards in sleeves for a long time.

Basically, once I started making room for it where I shuffled it correctly instead of arms at odd angles I never had another "incident".

I also give the deck sufficient room and flip cards very... purposefully, rather than haphazardly?

Hard to sort of describe in words, but basically, I got used to handling it a bit more carefully and now I really prefer it. Shuffles so nice...

Edited by Gruesome
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I mainly use a retro deck but carry a regular deck too in case my flipping is bad enough to need a different deck! I had a similar issue shuffling the retro deck at first but once you get used to how to keep hold of them, they are a really nice deck to play with (tougher than a regular deck and easier to read than a puppet deck).

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I have all faction colored decks so i typically play with the deck of the faction i use.

I also have the retro deck but i use it to play regular card games more than malifaux, it really rocks to play with that in our "chalet" in the wild, lit by candles around a very old table.

So the only one i don't have (as far as i know) is the puppet wars deck.

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I originally bought the green backed deck to differentiate myself from the rest of my crew (who owned a red, blue and purple deck between them), despite playing Guild and Arcanists at the time. Decided to snag the red deck myself anyway so I'd have a spare, and that's the one I use in day to day play now. Both of them are in clear ultra-pro sleeves, a preference from my many years of playing Magic.

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What is it that people find particularly difficult/offputting/wrong about the puppet war deck?

Is it that the faction symbols aren't the same as on other malifaux stuff? is it the numbers (font/size)?

I'm just intrigued, because I only own puppet decks, but if people find it difficult, maybe I should get another (perhaps if I use a retro deck myself, I might find it easier to read that one)

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I cannot speak for others, but what I do not like about the puppet deck is the same thing that I do not like about when people use regular playing cards.

Since I am not used to it, it takes me much longer to really recognize what has been flipped and so it really takes away from the immediate reaction of flips.

I actually often have to wait for the reaction of my opponent as to whether it was good or bad and then sort of decipher whether it was good or bad for me or him.

We are talking only about 2-3 seconds delay before I figure out the card, but it oddly is enough delay for me that I dislike it.

Like anything else, if I played against PW decks often or regular decks often, I'd be faster and my concerns would be far less, I suppose.

I also happen to think that the PW decks are a pretty light tone that makes them slightly more difficult to read across the table.

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I use the Bellingham 2012 deck. It's my favourite by far because the numbers are clear, so is the suit fo the card and the markers for weak/moderate/severe are discrete but still very clear as well. Also the face cards look amazing. If it was available in plastic like the retro deck so it's a bit more durable i'd buy it in a heartbeat [hint hint ;)]

Other than that, the other decks are fine for me. I used the Puppet Wars deck for a while so i don't have a problem with it's suits.

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I had the Red and Green backed fate decks to accompany my Lady J and Nicodem crews I got when starting out. My buddy bought a Kirai Crew, and I didn't use my Nicodem crew since I had lost the cards, so I gave him the green fate deck. I bought the retro when it came out, and use that for demos, giving the demo-ee the regular fate deck (so they can read weak, moderate, and severe). And while demoing in the Event Hall at GenCon, one of the players in the Masters Tournament was having a bad time with his Puppet Wars deck that he handed it to another Henchman and said, "I don't want to see it again." He apparently cracked open a new deck and the henchman walked over to the demo tables and asked if I wanted a free deck. I took it and used it for the rest of the day so I could showcase duels etc... without messing with the players decks.

I would kill for those variant decks, but like notmikehill says, it must be the collectible card gamer in me. I would want them, just to be different :'(

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I had the Red and Green backed fate decks to accompany my Lady J and Nicodem crews I got when starting out. My buddy bought a Kirai Crew, and I didn't use my Nicodem crew since I had lost the cards, so I gave him the green fate deck. I bought the retro when it came out, and use that for demos, giving the demo-ee the regular fate deck (so they can read weak, moderate, and severe). And while demoing in the Event Hall at GenCon, one of the players in the Masters Tournament was having a bad time with his Puppet Wars deck that he handed it to another Henchman and said, "I don't want to see it again." He apparently cracked open a new deck and the henchman walked over to the demo tables and asked if I wanted a free deck. I took it and used it for the rest of the day so I could showcase duels etc... without messing with the players decks.

I would kill for those variant decks, but like notmikehill says, it must be the collectible card gamer in me. I would want them, just to be different :'(

I'm telling you man! Commemorative Fate Decks! Faction styled fate decks! I could go on and on about what types I'd love to see!

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I think others have hit on why the puppet deck annoys some people, but I know of one reason not mentioned. Some of the suits look too similar to differentiate across the table if you are not used to it. I have a few players using puppet decks, and I still have a hard time differentiating between masks and rams. I often have to look at the puppet to be able to tell from across the table.

I've been using a standard fate deck (Yellow I think). I just got my Retro and will likely switch up to it for a while as the fate deck is looking a little worn. I have a second fate deck in sleeves for demos, but I don't like sleeves for myself, so any deck I have has to be able to stand up to the wear and tear of general use. That's the main reason I have switched to the retro.

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