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Seamus and Me.


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Seamus has a few interesting things to consider.

- Firstly, he's quite hard to kill. Hard to wound 2 and necrotic ministrations means your opponent will really struggle to take him down. Use this to your advantage - Take bodyguard as a scheme, for example. Also, you can add a grave spirit as his totem for 1ss, very cheap, to give him armour. Generally, his own totem, the copy cat killer, isnt worth taking.

- Malifaux is mainly about movement tricks and objective play. For this, make sure you remember belles gain +2 walk when close to seamus, and sybelle (Also a good target for the grave spirits armour) to call belle. Belles are very good for their points. Lots of wounds, hard to wound, slow to die, and especially lure. Use lure once or twice on an enemy to drag it out of formation, then charge it with your own minion, eg a punk zombie, or seamus, to hopefully kill it.

- Seamus has a lot of WP and morale reliant abilities, these will not effect models with immune to influence, or constructs (or any non living stuff) for the morale. This is a big problem... Which can be countered by taking avatar seamus, or see what your local players tend to bring - A new book was just released with a lot of good, living models in it, so they'll be more common than they used to be.

- Seamus needs quite a few SS, especially if you want to get the flintlock off. I try and take 7... That means in a 35ss game, you're only spending 30 on models.

Hope that helps, let me know if theres any models that catch your attention and you'd like a brief overview of what they do or how they function, good luck, have fun :D

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Seamus has a few interesting things to consider.

- Firstly, he's quite hard to kill. Hard to wound 2 and necrotic ministrations means your opponent will really struggle to take him down. Use this to your advantage - Take bodyguard as a scheme, for example. Also, you can add a grave spirit as his totem for 1ss, very cheap, to give him armour. Generally, his own totem, the copy cat killer, isnt worth taking.

- Malifaux is mainly about movement tricks and objective play. For this, make sure you remember belles gain +2 walk when close to seamus, and sybelle (Also a good target for the grave spirits armour) to call belle. Belles are very good for their points. Lots of wounds, hard to wound, slow to die, and especially lure. Use lure once or twice on an enemy to drag it out of formation, then charge it with your own minion, eg a punk zombie, or seamus, to hopefully kill it.

- Seamus has a lot of WP and morale reliant abilities, these will not effect models with immune to influence, or constructs (or any non living stuff) for the morale. This is a big problem... Which can be countered by taking avatar seamus, or see what your local players tend to bring - A new book was just released with a lot of good, living models in it, so they'll be more common than they used to be.

- Seamus needs quite a few SS, especially if you want to get the flintlock off. I try and take 7... That means in a 35ss game, you're only spending 30 on models.

Hope that helps, let me know if theres any models that catch your attention and you'd like a brief overview of what they do or how they function, good luck, have fun :D

Fairly good overview.

Just one point. The Grave Spirit does not give Seamus Armour, as the armour is only given to linked 'Undead'. Still worth taking the grave spirit though and link it to Sybelle, Molly, Rogue Necromancy .....etc

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Well, I know about the movement shenanigans of Seamus and his girls. Which, I found out can keep someone from earning their objective VPs.

Also, the Grave Spirit is on my list of purchases in the near future. I also know about that particular dead horse.

Is there anything that I might be missing about the Seamus crew, or is it that straight forward to understand?

And lastly, is there anything that I really need to purchase to help Seamus?

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I love playing Molly with him if I think I will face living.

Aside from that, she is not always the most effective, but I still like having her whenever possible. (are you asking about strictly competitive? She is not always super-competitive... I just like taking her)

One thing I would DEFINITELY recommend for him is his Avatar. Very fun to play and very nasty in the right situations.

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I love playing Molly with him if I think I will face living.

Aside from that, she is not always the most effective, but I still like having her whenever possible. (are you asking about strictly competitive? She is not always super-competitive... I just like taking her)

I'm not really sure if there is a really competitive scene near me or not. So, I really can't comment if I want to play competitively or not.

How is Molly fun?

One thing I would DEFINITELY recommend for him is his Avatar. Very fun to play and very nasty in the right situations.

I've actually been debating about his avatar. Please tell me.

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The Avatar addresses some of his biggest weaknesses (plus is an amazing model).

Molly though becomes sort of mandatory for the crew when attaching the Avatar to Seamus, since once he hulks out she will be the only way for the crew to summon new Belles (and replace losses).

You will read a lot of mixed reviews on the Dead Doxies, I personally really like them and think they are great in a fluffy Seamus crew (though there are much better non-fluffy options available to him).

One model that is almost viewed as a requirement for the crew is Penny (from the new Storm of Shadows book), she can help when facing crews that Seamus typically strugles with due to the pre-ponderance of Non-living models by giving him and Sybelle Anathema so their Terryfying can effect them.

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Thematically she is mandatory, as I almost always take her with Seamus. In my personal experience though, if you are looking for effective models to take with Seamus, then my opinion after almost a year straight of player her every chance I had was that she isn't worth her SS cost, and you certainly take more effective models. If you are mainly a casual player, and cost effectiveness from your models isn't a main consideration then you should go an buy her immediately, don't even wait to finish reading this E-mail.

No, stop reading this and go buy her. Now.

You would have to look hard in Malifaux to find a more fitting pair of models to bring to the table together.

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Yin the Penalanalanalanagan. Or whatever. She's the lovely disembodied head currently floating to the right of the forums. She is a fantastic terror bomb with the super awesome anathema ability. A Seamus crew easily takes advantage of the terror mechanic, and she makes it work even better. On top of that she can give anathema to other terrifying models (like Seamus himself) so that they scare anything - including models normally immune to terrifying mechanics, such as constructs, undead, and even other terrifying models. Seamus' avatar also has the anathema ability, but lacks the ability to spread it around like Penny does. However, when Seamus hulks out, he raises the terrifying value on all models with terrifying, so you can now take your terrifying 13, 14 models and give them anathema with Penny and scare the s**t out of anything on the board.

And she's creepy as hell looking, always a plus.

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I initially bought Molly on her own, because I really liked her fluff of gradually breaking free from her reanimator/tormentor Seamus. Unfortunately she is complete garbage at leading a crew due to super-restrictive hiring rules and general lack of Horrors in the game.

I've since bought Seamus to give the crew some punch - Molly is now biding her time, waiting for her special affinity for Horrors and other Belles to allow her the opportunity to break free from Seamus' control and form a Belle Resistance (kind of a Take Back The Night movement). Yin (whom everyone seems to refer to as Penny) is a decent step in that direction, but there's a long way to go yet.

Anyway, I agree with Strumpet - the relationship between Molly and Seamus is some of the game's best fluff, but she's not worth her cost in play if you care about being competitive (but then, neither is Seamus - if you want to win consistently with Ressers, take Kirai or McMourning instead).

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I have surprised a lot of people in the past running aSeamus (8 stones), 5 bells, Sybelle, and the grave spirit (attached to Sybelle) for a 35 stone crew.

I ran this crew to take a break from aRamos and aZoraida crews. It could be because there are not many resser players in my local meta and that's why I surprised them.

Immune to influence can be disabling to this list if there are more than one model in the opposing crew. I did not play against anything with immune to influence so i am sure that helped :)

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