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Starting "Outcasts"


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So I'm going to be starting and playing outcasts for 2013. I want to be able to declare outcasts as my faction and have several masters to choose from. Specifically Levi, viks, and gremlins. To that end I'm trying to come up with a shopping list. Here's what I have so far:

Levi box

Waif blister

Canine remains blister

Drowned blister

Hanged blister

DE blister


Dead rider


Viks box

Von "mustache" Schill


Ronin blister


Somer box

Ophellia box

Bayou blister

4x skeeters

Slop hauler





Pig a pult

I know that's a lot of stuff but am I missing something major?

-sent from my iPhone, please pardon errors.

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I would start with the "complete" ophelia crew, I find its just solid.

  • Ophelia Box
  • Young
  • Slop haulers
  • Mctavish
  • 4 Bayou or buy the Somer box if really intend on going all out outcast.
  • When they come out Bert, Wong & gracie

For the full Somer I would hold off until you get a feel for the rest, it take too many models to get all the possible somer lists.

For Levi, you need to decide what type of list you want to try

Option A) Mix and matching models from different crews, hopping you get a desolation engine.

option B) All out SPA list, where you need Ashes & dust (which is really mean BTW)

Option 3) Avatar list, with horse men.

from the sounds of it you want option A & B, You will need a second blister of SPA, the the drowned & Hanged are not really needed. Bette Noir is always fun. As for Belles, Not needed but not a waste. Joel has it right were the Colidi box is legal, but it comes down to, do you want to play Levi or Collidi.

For the mercs, First question, Do you like Taelor & Johan. If no I would just get the Vikis blister, otherwise the box. You already have just the Vonschills blister listed, so you don't want the box. The freikorps are not bad, but don't stand out either. I would add a couple Desp Mercs for cheap body count, and don't underestimate Hamelin the rat catcher. Brings a bit of magic into a a mostly beatstick army. Lastly Vikis don't necesarily need Ronin, the spell to bring back a Viki is really expensive and not worth it. I resently took my Mercs crew and cut it in half and am trading it away. I decided to keep the following

  • Vikis
  • Vonshill
  • 4x desp Merc
  • Taelor
  • Johan
  • Hamelin
  • McTavish
  • Convicted Gunslinger (How could I forget him... must have)
  • Killjoy (but mostly for my resser crew)

you might want Jack daw in that list, but I really hate him...

Now back to Somer. To play properly you need about 12 Bayou gremlins, 4 Slop haulers, 4 Mosquitoes, a couple rats (yes, legal and are sacrificed to Mosquitoes which get healed),

Then you want to add depending on the list you want to make.

  • Option 1 - Pigs: 1 maybe 2 war pigs, 2-3 pig whisperers, 1 -2 blisted of Piglettes
  • Option 1a - Bacon bits: above + 1-2 taxidermists, 2 blisters of Stuffed Pigglets
  • Option 2 - Pigapult: 1 Pigapult, add option 1A

Like I said the Somer list needs losts of models.

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I would start with the "complete" ophelia crew, I find its just solid.

  • Ophelia Box
  • Young
  • Slop haulers
  • Mctavish
  • 4 Bayou or buy the Somer box if really intend on going all out outcast.
  • When they come out Bert, Wong & gracie

For the full Somer I would hold off until you get a feel for the rest, it take too many models to get all the possible somer lists.

So I need to add a blister of Young, and McTavish to my list.

For Levi, you need to decide what type of list you want to try

Option A) Mix and matching models from different crews, hopping you get a desolation engine.

option B) All out SPA list, where you need Ashes & dust (which is really mean BTW)

Option 3) Avatar list, with horse men.

from the sounds of it you want option A & B, You will need a second blister of SPA, the the drowned & Hanged are not really needed. Bette Noir is always fun. As for Belles, Not needed but not a waste. Joel has it right were the Colidi box is legal, but it comes down to, do you want to play Levi or Collidi.

Yes, options 1 and 2. I am not a big fan of the avatar for Levi. Which reminds me, how competitive are the viks and somer's avatars?

For the mercs, First question, Do you like Taelor & Johan. If no I would just get the Vikis blister, otherwise the box. You already have just the Vonschills blister listed, so you don't want the box. The freikorps are not bad, but don't stand out either. I would add a couple Desp Mercs for cheap body count, and don't underestimate Hamelin the rat catcher. Brings a bit of magic into a a mostly beatstick army. Lastly Vikis don't necesarily need Ronin, the spell to bring back a Viki is really expensive and not worth it. I resently took my Mercs crew and cut it in half and am trading it away. I decided to keep the following

  • Vikis
  • Vonshill
  • 4x desp Merc
  • Taelor
  • Johan
  • Hamelin
  • McTavish
  • Convicted Gunslinger (How could I forget him... must have)
  • Killjoy (but mostly for my resser crew)

you might want Jack daw in that list, but I really hate him...

I've never played with taelor or Johan and only rarely against Taelor so I dont know if I like them. I like the idea of a few desperate mercs and HtRC is already on the way for my pandora crew. Killjoy could also go into a Levi crew right? So another dual purpose minion is always good to go.

Now back to Somer. To play properly you need about 12 Bayou gremlins, 4 Slop haulers, 4 Mosquitoes, a couple rats (yes, legal and are sacrificed to Mosquitoes which get healed),

Then you want to add depending on the list you want to make.

  • Option 1 - Pigs: 1 maybe 2 war pigs, 2-3 pig whisperers, 1 -2 blisted of Piglettes
  • Option 1a - Bacon bits: above + 1-2 taxidermists, 2 blisters of Stuffed Pigglets
  • Option 2 - Pigapult: 1 Pigapult, add option 1A

Like I said the Somer list needs losts of models.

The Somer box comes with a Warpig right? So I'd need to add a blister of piglettes, taxidermists, and 2 stuffed pigglets to the list.

That changes my shopping list by





+2 stuffed pigglets

-vik box

+Vik blister(s)

+desperate merc(s)


I think I'm going to make some commission painter very happy. Can anyone make a recommendation for a painter in the US?

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

Without Sue listed as someone you want with the Viks, then the Convict Gunslinger is a no-brainer choice, as stated above.

I might also add the Student of Conflict for the Viks. I think with Vanessa's release the SoC will become much more useful.

Sue! Yes, Johnny Cash will see the table and the SoC should be added to the list. How/why do you think Vanessa will make the SoC more useful?

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Well, this is strict theory-faux, but my main observation with the SoC is that he gets left behind immediately. I actually use him with the Gunslinger and give him fast... hunker down by some terrain, exert board control and shoot the heck out of stuff.

But with Vanessa you have a second ranged attacker that might be able to benefit from the SoC. But more importantly, with Vanessa being able to count as a Sister in Spirit, you have a third point to bounce between with the Viks. Now, the likelihood of being able to be near the SoC increases a bunch, which will allow you to make use of the Fast.

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Right, but Vanessa has aetheric demands?

Well, this is strict theory-faux, but my main observation with the SoC is that he gets left behind immediately. I actually use him with the Gunslinger and give him fast... hunker down by some terrain, exert board control and shoot the heck out of stuff.

But with Vanessa you have a second ranged attacker that might be able to benefit from the SoC. But more importantly, with Vanessa being able to count as a Sister in Spirit, you have a third point to bounce between with the Viks. Now, the likelihood of being able to be near the SoC increases a bunch, which will allow you to make use of the Fast.

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SWhich reminds me, how competitive are the viks and somer's avatars?

1) Vikis are good but since book 2 & 3 came out not as good, Vanessa will bring them back up to something good. Not super competitive, but fun to play.

2) Levi & Killjoy. They are not compatible. If you check out the crew creator killjoy is not in levis options.

3) aSomer: I haven't tried him yet, he's on my painting table, but free reckless looks nice

Almost forgot: Lenny is the only unique gremlin you are missing You might want him I got him but have not tried him yet Been on an arcanist kick for a while

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1) Vikis are good but since book 2 & 3 came out not as good, Vanessa will bring them back up to something good. Not super competitive, but fun to play.

2) Levi & Killjoy. They are not compatible. If you check out the crew creator killjoy is not in levis options.

3) aSomer: I haven't tried him yet, he's on my painting table, but free reckless looks nice

Almost forgot: Lenny is the only unique gremlin you are missing You might want him I got him but have not tried him yet Been on an arcanist kick for a while

I don't see lenny as a competitive option, perhaps I am mistaken. If he is better then how he reads (just like Drowned) please, by all means let me know and I'll try him. :Confused_Puppet:

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1) Vikis are good but since book 2 & 3 came out not as good, Vanessa will bring them back up to something good. Not super competitive, but fun to play.

I totally disagree that the Viks are somehow lacking in competitiveness. Their basic Mercenary crew is showing its age, perhaps (let's face it, Hans, Bishop and Misaki were always sub-par), but combined with the Freikorps they are more than capable of mixing it up with the best Masters in the game. Vanessa will make them even better.

2) Levi & Killjoy. They are not compatible. If you check out the crew creator killjoy is not in levis options.

Hmm, that's odd. What rules prevent Levi from hiring Killjoy? I've used that combination in games myself, and never noticed anything that would stop it.

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Somebody that lieks vanessa a lot (other than her sister) is bishop. It's still a costly model, but if you can get a bonus suit on Cb, even for one trigger only, that a good bonus.

Besides, more or less any suit is useful for bishop, so it shouldn't be too difficult finding somebody else who can benefit from it, too. (if you have a lowly :masks the viks will love an auto-whirlwind).

This makes you play a bit more together than I'm used to, but I want to test it anyway.

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so it shouldn't be too difficult finding somebody else who can benefit from it, too. (if you have a lowly :masks the viks will love an auto-whirlwind)..

Opening move for a Viks-Vanessa crew will (cards permitting) be Vanessa firing off that ability with a mask. Both Viks and the Convict Gunslinger all getting masks in their CB will make for even more amazing alpha strikes. Certainly make the Vik-specific scheme, First Blood, much more doable.

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Without Rail workers I find the Rail Golem just not worth the points.

I recall thinking that the Arcanist Effidgy was a legal choice for Vanessa. But the crew creator sais otherwise.

I would have to disagree but you are entitled to your opinion. I think the Rail Golem is beastly regardless of other models.

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Without Rail workers I find the Rail Golem just not worth the points.

I recall thinking that the Arcanist Effigy was a legal choice for Vanessa. But the crew creator sais otherwise.

Both the Effigies and Vanessa have Aetheric Demands. Since you're not playing Neverborn, you can't have both.

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