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Some nice terrain on kickstarter


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This kickstarter ends on Halloween and the buildings have interchangeable parts, a mix of themes including steampunk and a ruined version of each building is available. the roofs are removable and the interior floor is reversible with a one inch grid on one side. Two story buildings are available too. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1141913215/impudent-mortals-gaming-terrain

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25mm scale 'sounds' like it shouldn't be too far off from the 32mm scale that Malifaux is set at, but hearing that the buildings are 4x6", and having fairly extensive experience playing with terraclips (and their workhorse 6x6" base tiles), I think I may just let this one pass.

Sure, Terraclips style I suspect you could combine some together, but $50-80+ is more than I'm willing to spend on such an experiment, as I'd want to go high enough in the tiers to at least get my money's worth, especially with that $10 tag for Canadian S&H.

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I know it says 25mm, but if you look at the page he has a picture of a warmachine model next to one and it looks spot on for scale really. I don't think it will be that off and I kinda like the Tudor style buildings. I think I will get just a couple to try them out and later get more if he gets off the ground. Malifaux is depicted as being a wild mish mash of building styles, so I see no issue with mixing these building with my Sarissa Precision and Cheapside stuff :)

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The model in the picture for scale looks to be a good size, and at 4 inches across you should be able to get to 30mm bases side by side on the short end of the interior. I plan on getting the steampunk themed one and the ruined version of it. With the pieces interchangeable I should be able to mix and match different looking buildings whenever I feel like it.

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